Coca-Cola HBC Serbia presented results of investments in the community for the fifth year in a row


  • 41 million dinars and 700 volunteer hours invested in the community development

  • More than 1,000 youth participated in the empowerment programs

  • 200 youth employed after participating in the programs

  • Water consumption reduced by 52 percent per litre of produced drink in the last decade

  • Energy consumption reduced by 51 percent per litre of produced drink in the last 10 years

  • Coca-Cola HBC Serbia the most desirable employer in 2017 as well

In the year of marking a half a century of operating, Coca-Cola HBC Serbia presented the fifth local sustainability report for 2017, including the Company’s results in the area of community investments, employee engagement, environmental protection and market achievements. This year’s report presentation is dedicated to youth, bearing in mind that as of recently the Company has focused all its efforts on support to their professional development, aiming to maximally empower them and increase their employability.

Sustainability is an integral part of our operations and we always search for new ways of contributing to the environment where we operate. From year to year we set more and more ambitious objectives and achieve better and better results, as we are aware of the fact that the future of the community lies in new generations. Therefore, we as the Company have strategically focused on investing in professional and personal development of youth within the comprehensive Coca-Cola Youth platform. Thus we create better prospects for the development of the entire community, through their knowledge and higher self-esteem,” said Svetoslav Atanasov, Coca-Cola HBC Serbia General Manager.

Last year, the company invested more than 41 million dinars in community development, including more than 17 million dinars allocated to the youth empowerment programs. More than one thousand youth received assistance in developing their professional identity and career, and 200 of them got employed afterwards. The employees invested 700 volunteer hours and the “Coca-Cola Volunteer Club” was recognised as the best employee development program through volunteering at the CSR Forum. In the past ten years, water consumption per litre of produced drink was reduced by 52 percent, and the overall energy consumption per litre of produced drink was cut by 51 percent in the same period.

As the confirmation of outstanding results in all areas, Coca-Cola HBC Serbia won the award for the best operation within the Coca-Cola HBC Group for the third consecutive year, as well as the first award for results achieved in the area of environmental protection and the award for the best customer relations in 2017.

This year’s Sustainability Report, as the previous one, was produced following the internationally recognised GRI4 standard and in compliance with high standards of the UN Global Compact related to progress reports. Furthermore, the Coca-Cola HBC Group is ranked among the top three beverage producers in 2018 by both the Global and the European Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Coca-Cola HBC has recently announced sustainability objectives by 2025, covering six key areas: emission reduction, water consumption and management, World without waste, ingredient sources, nutrition, our people and communities.

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