Kruna Gavović, Marketing and Academy Director at TMS CEE, CEO at The Lean Six Sigma Company CEE: We understand the modern company`s needs

Our slogan is “TMS – Client Success” and we help with all resources that our clients became more and more thriving

With Kruna Gavović, Marketing and Academy Director at TMS CEE, and CEO of The Lean Six Sigma Company CEE, we spoke for this year edition of In Focus Montenegro, about the difference between the quality of the product and the quality of the service, what companies can do in order to ensure the good quality of their services, and the 20 years of TMS company,  tradition and values.

Could you please tell us why is the quality of service so important today?

 For many decades, when we speak about quality, the most common comprehension was about the quality of the product. This is understandable, as the quality of the service is much more complex.

However, the modern economies are prevalently service-oriented. In the highly developed countries, services make sometimes even more than 80% of the GDP. So, the focus on service quality is justified as the service quality influences our lives on a significant scale.

Also, the old notion of the “customer satisfaction” remains valid, but today the “customer experience” gets more attention and it requires the impeccable quality of the service.

As we live in the specific times of economy and global challenges, the companies which care more about the quality of their services provide to their customer better experience and get the loyalty.

How a company can ensure the good quality of the service?

 There are several standardized ways – from generic standards like ISO 9001, ISO 10002 or others, to the advanced techniques like GSES or Lean Six Sigma. It is good to know that the good service almost always leads to the better economic results. In the case of the Lean Six Sigma, it is also the imperative and only the verified financial effects are recognized.

Of course, no standard can help if your staff is undertrained. We always recommend more training, especially because the fluctuation of the people today is higher than ever before.

Properly trained staff cannot just deliver good service but also, they will be able to implement the standards and tools and to enable organizations to be resistant to the changes and challenges.

Is TMS becoming the synonym for safe?

TMS, as a company with 20 years of tradition, understands the needs of the modern companies. “Safe” is just the basic need. We emphasize that not just the quality, safety and environmental aspects are needed, but also the right company culture which is marketing oriented. Our slogan is “TMS – Client Success” and we help with all resources that our clients became more and more thriving.

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