10 years of the National Organic Production Development Association ‘Serbia Organica’

On September 24th, the National Organic Production Development Association ‘Serbia Organica’ marked its 10th anniversary. Since its inception, the Association has been committed to developing organic production and building the profile of Serbian organic products worldwide.

During the decade since its inception, the Association has contributed to the visible increase in the number of producers involved in organic production and, consequently, to the increase in the acreage of land under organic production.

“At the time when Serbia Organica was founded, only 108 producers were engaged in organic production in Serbia, on a total area of ​​2,500 hectares, which represented a negligible part of the total agricultural land in Serbia. Since then, the areas under organic production have increased more than 8 times, and in 2018, organic production has expanded to 19,200 hectares, an increase of 45% in just one year, while more than 6,000 farmers are now engaged in organic production, ” Professor Snežana Oljača, PhD, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Serbia Organica, said.

Serbia Organica was established in 2009, under the German-Serbian Development Cooperation, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with the support from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). Since then, numerous activities have been implemented together with Serbia Organic towards the sector’s development.

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