Despite the aggravating circumstances imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020, the economy managed to maintain the achieved volume of business activities and also achieved a positive net result.
For the first time, Diplomacy&Commerce magazine presents the 100 best companies in Serbia. The lists of the most successful companies in 2020 were compiled based on financial performance value recorded in the regular annual financial reports, and the data for 103,327 companies were analyzed and ranked. The research was conducted and published by the Business Registers Agency (APR).

According to the APR, despite the aggravating circumstances imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020, the economy managed to maintain the achieved volume of business activities and also achieved a positive net result, 1/5 better than the year before. 100 companies with the highest operating income and 100 companies with the highest net profit should also be credited for such results and these are the companies that we are presenting in this issue.
In 2020, companies generated business revenues of 11,700,975 million dinars, which is 0.7% more than last year. Out of that, 3,262,643 million dinars was generated by 100 companies that operated with the highest operating income, which is a 0.6% annual growth.
One hundred companies with the highest operating income recorded a positive net result in the amount of 100,737 million dinars, which is a 5.3% decline. At the same time, 86 companies operated successfully, and together generated a net profit of 143,408 million dinars, a 0.9% increase relative to the previous year. On the other hand, companies that had negative business results recorded a net loss of 19.5%, of 42,671 million dinars.
The most active 100 companies had operating assets worth 5,217,075 million dinars, which is 2.0% higher compared to last year, while their capital decreased by 0.6% to 2,908,484 million dinars. At the same time, the cumulative loss of these companies has dropped by 2.8%, and amounted to 626,973 million dinars, of which 65,805 million dinars is the loss above the amount of capital, an 18.9% decrease compared to the previous year.
Observed by sectors, the largest part of business activity is concentrated within 36 companies from the G sector (wholesale and retail)
The 100 observed companies employed 200,438 workers, which is an annual increase of 14,779 workers. In addition to the fact that one hundred companies with the highest operating income had a significant share of 27.9% in the operating income of the entire economy, they greatly influenced the basic financial performance of the overall economy, bearing in mind that their average share is 24.4%. A large number of employees worked in that segment of the economy, i.e. a total of 16.5% of the entire workforce in the country.
Observed by sectors, the largest part of business activity is concentrated within 36 companies from the G sector (wholesale and retail), which generated 32.2% of business revenues of the observed 100 companies, i.e. 1,049,753 million dinars. The 37 companies from the S-sector (manufacturing) generated operating revenues of 874,898 million dinars, or 26.8% of the revenues of listed companies.
One of the biggest driving forces behind economic activity are also 6 companies from the D-sector (supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning), which business revenues amounted to 525,668 million dinars and make up 16.1% of the total revenues the 100 analyzed companies.
The list of the 100 most successful companies, ranked by operating income, is dominated by large systems (98) with 98.9% of the realized income of the companies on the list, while two companies on the list are medium-sized.