10,000 respondents decided who are the most desirable employers in Serbia

Poslovi.Infostud re-conducted the research “Most Desirable Employer 2018” which showed who are the most desirable employers in Serbia and what are the most priced respondents among them.

The ten best-rated companies are: Coca-Cola HBC-Serbia Ltd. Zemun, Telenor doo, NIS A.D. Novi Sad, Nordeus doo Beograd, Microsoft Software d.o.o. Belgrade, Philip Morris Services Ltd. Belgrade, Telekom Serbia a.d Belgrade, EPS JP Beograd, LIDL Serbia KD, Robert Bosch doo Belgrade. Respondents have the most important good interpersonal relationships and working atmosphere among the employers, which was even 76% (compared to 66% in 2016). The second place is the treatment of employees by management, while the level of salary, ie, the main reasons are in the third place.

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