Bruno Luglio is the leading speaker at Kaktus 2016

Bruno Luglio, Senior Creative Art Director at the agency R / GA NY (USA), compares the creative markets of Germany, Brazil and the United States and says that ideas are the most dominant in modern advertising. Bruno is this year’s keynote speaker and star of the festival, and his lecture will start the second day of the Festival of integrated communications KAKTUS 2016, which will be held on 27 and 28 October at the Crowne Plaza in Belgrade.

You worked in agencies in Brazil, Germany, and now in America. Can you compare these markets, how they differ?
I think every market functioning in the way that society works. If you take, for example, Germany, everything is super correct and progressive. The interaction between the associates is good, but the focus is on the individual and it is always a priority. Things work better when everyone is focused, which led me to Brazil – a place where everyone with every friend all the time, you have a lot of fun during the work and laugh all day long. But on the other hand, because we’re doing more. This is not a bad thing, actually it reflects the creativity of the Brazilian market. Much of freedom and innovation stems from entertaining moment (we actually played football WITHIN agencies, like throwing a ball at the monitors and computers). And finally I moved to New York. This is the place where two things can be combined. You are surrounded by people from all over the world, where everyone with their ideas, and you work best in your life. This helps to diversify and inspiration in everyday life. Overall, I would not say that one of these places is better than the other, they are just different and cool in its own way.

Which ideas are most dominant in modern advertising? How would you define the ideas that survive?
The ideas that are used in industry are those giving rise to compassion. Original ideas that go through the relevant point of truth. These are the ones that are more appealing, and which therefore live longer because they are based on universal human truths. No nonsense, no exaggeration and affectation. Only clean and a good idea.

How are ideas born and where to find inspiration for good ideas?
We all work under pressure to give the best idea of ​​his life. Every day, for each breafing. The problem is that nobody knows (or will know) that the ideas born or where they come from. They just come. I think it’s more important to fill your brain with data, rather than trying to master that skill. “Anything that counts” – from a strange alternative rock music of the film from Taiwan, called Tango. All will give you a little extra knowledge that will culminate in the idea. And when you need it most, the idea will come by itself, in the shower or while driving on the subway, depending on the amount of information you have provided marrow so will be the result.

Can you single out two campaigns were, in your opinion, “shaken” the world over the past year and why?
I’m a big fan REI and campaigns #OptOutside. They are just super. They have so much courage to ask how the client reacted when they first heard of the idea. They might have to lose thousands of dollars with this simple announcement and instead get a lot more than money – they are chosen to be outside and to close the store. Hi five! I would single out one, and it’s “Love has no tag” campaign done by the agency R / GA. It is a simple idea that people are the same, no matter what. It has a wonderful message, and has excellent results. Powered by people affected by the prejudices and runs the entire community. Just look at the results and see how this campaign “shaken” the whole world.

This year’s festival KAKTUS 2016 your lecture on the topic “Who? What? Why? – The Metrics of a Simple Idea “. What the participants of the festival can expect?
I will try to speak a little about your experience with all feedbacks I received during my career, and how to simplify, not only the way in which we can present ideas, but also how they imagine. I will talk about the importance of daily exercise and how formatting our thinking. I hope the audience will like it!

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