Goran Svilanović is the winner of the Dr Elmer Hantos Award in 2016

Central European Foundation (CEF) has awarded Dr. Elmer Hantos Award to Goran Svilanović in recognition for the efforts on improving cooperation in the region on the duties of the current Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).

SVILANOVIC, novimagazin.rs

The award was given fully respecting the his previous work as a Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro (2000-2004), chairman of the First working table for democratisation and Human rights (2004-2007) of the stability Pact for SEE and member of the High control Group of the stability Pact, and the coordinator of economic and environmental activities of the OSCE (2008-2012). “Promotion of regional cooperation in SEE, a region from which I come, as well as within CEE, is a challenge, but also the satisfaction of knowing how many common interests we have, how much we share, and how much we can learn from each other” Svilanović said thanking for the honour. The ceremony of granting the award will be held in May 2017 in Belgrade.


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