Jadranka Jovanović at the Awarding of the Legion of Honor

Jadranka Jovanović attended the awarding of the Legion of Honor to Jacques Krabal, the former secretary general of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, in the Elysée Palace

The head of the permanent delegation of the National Assembly in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (PSF) and the president of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with France, Jadranka Jovanović, MA, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron, attended the awarding ceremony of the “Legion of Honor” order to Jacques Krabal, the former secretary general of the PSF, in the Elysée palace, September 16, 2024.

Mr. Jacques Krabal was the general secretary of the PSF for five years. During the first visit of President Macron to Serbia in 2019, Krabal was a member of the delegation and since then he has been a guest of our parliament several times at various events related to Francophonie. His contribution to the PSF was assessed as extremely significant, he especially supported Serbia’s participation in this large international organization.

“During the five years of our intensive cooperation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, Jacques Krabal was a valuable and loyal friend of Serbia and me personally. I would like to thank him for his principles and great support for the positioning of Serbia in the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie. The presence of the Serbian Head of Delegation at this important ceremony is certainly an honor for our country,” said Jadranka Jovanović, MA.

During her stay in Paris, the head of the delegation, Jadranka Jovanović, MA, discussed Serbia’s upcoming candidacy for full membership in the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF), with the chief of staff of the OIF Secretary General, Herve Barraquand, as well as with a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of France and a member of the Committee for foreign affairs by Liliana Tanguy.

This important event represents the affirmation of Serbia within the Francophonie, as well as another step towards strengthening the cooperation between Serbia and France.

Photo source: Private Archive

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