The new Beaujolais evening marks the beginning of the French Week

The traditional evening of young red French wine, Beaujolais Nouveau, marked the beginning of French Week in Belgrade, which takes place under the slogan “10 years of friendship in action.”

Many guests, diplomats, executives from French and Serbian companies, public figures and celebrities attended the party to celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau at the Promenade.

Fans of French products and gastronomy had the opportunity to drink wine and try cheeses such as Le Roustique camembert, the soft Saint Agur Blue and irresistible Biser Selekta, as well as the Tartare cheese spread, presented by the Mlekoprodukt Company with the goal of disseminating the French culture and gastronomy in Serbia.

Beaujolais Nouveau is a young red French wine consumed immediately after fermentation. Its production and consumption has been growing steadily and the wine is becoming increasingly popular around the world. The Japanese, who are rather new wine consumers and fans, are using Russian cargo flights to transport Beaujolais Nouveau to Tokyo and other Japanese cities. Beaujolais Nouveau is consumed in nearly 200 countries today.

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