#AgencyReport18: Stable growth of advertising agencies

In the past few months, Marketing Network has conducted a thorough and deep analysis of the agencies operating in Serbia in the area of ​​market communications, Agency Report says. The first results of the research were published today, referring to the foreign advertising agencies operating in Serbia.

Within this group, Alma Quattro, for years, persuasively holds first place in the ranking list by business income, but also by net profit. Compared to 2016, this agency increased its operating income by 2.38% last year, or by almost 32 million dinars, while the net profit increased by slightly more than 30% (almost 84 million dinars). When it comes to the number of clients per project, Alma Quattro and according to this parameter is growing in 2017 from 8.25%, while the number of permanent clients (according to the annual contract) dropped by 11.5%.
The second place in the table, both for business income and net profit, is the Digital Printing Center (DPC). This agency, the only among the top five in the ranking list, recorded a decline in operating revenues in 2017 by 3.71%, or about 31.7 million dinars. On the other hand, in the past year, the DPC recorded a net profit growth of about 21% in relation to 2016, the number of employees 11%, and the number of clients per project by about 15%.

Novi Sad-based NS Poster post took third place in the ranking list for both financial criteria. This agency recorded a very high growth in operating income compared to 2016 (40.3%), while net profit increased by an incredible 119.3%.
Although stagnating in all its parameters, Grafix agency from Belgrade, for the past two years, has been ranked fourth in the ranking. In the past year, Grafix recorded less than 1% of revenue growth, as well as a decline in profit of almost 15%.
A small agency, with just five employees, Skyboard Advertising from Belgrade took the fifth place in the ranking list, with a reported revenue growth of around 22%, as well as a decline in profit for the same percentage.
The “successor” of the Masel Group, Info Media Group, founded in 2015, is ranked sixth in terms of business revenue. Compared to 2016, revenue growth was 62% and net profit only 1.7%. Although it belongs to small agencies with 11 employees, Info Media Group, last year, recorded an increase in the number of clients per project by as much as 30%.
Also, a drastic fall in revenue of 53% in 2017 was recorded by the agency YU Spectrum, which, after net gain or loss, is at the very bottom of the ranking list. Agencies that also recorded a decline in business revenue in the past year of over 20% are Media Max, Žižgin Art and Euro Sky. After the net profit in 2017, only four agencies recorded a negative business result: Portal Company (-1.17 million), Euro Sky (-1.28 million), Žizgin Art (-10.1 million) and YU Spectrum (-18.3 million dinars).
Maxim & Co, Babbler Media Marketing, Billboard, Billboard Print, Message, Mediaplay Communications and Magnus Media registered last year’s growth in both financial parameters for both financial parameters.
In total, the Agency for Business Registers of the Republic of Serbia has a total of 26 agencies primarily engaged in foreign advertising. The total operating income of these groupings of agencies is higher by 9.81%, and net profit by as much as 27.33%, compared to 2016.
The number of employees increased by 10.71%, and in 2017 it was 558. Most of the new colleagues employed NS Plakat (25) and DPC (11).
If we compare the size of the agencies, according to the number of employees in 2017, the majority of small agencies are 81%, then large with over 50 employees 15% and only one agency is among the average of 16 to 49 employees.
All parameters indicate a steady increase in the market for outsourcing, and forecasts are expected to continue in 2018.
The goal of # AgencyReport18 research was to analyze the market for 2017, that is, to gain insight into the market situation, collect transparent data and rank agencies according to different criteria. It is a unique research and reporting platform that has multiple purpose and far-reaching effects on the market of marketing communications in Serbia.

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