Aleksandar Jakovljević new CEO of Philip Morris SEE

The new CEO of Philip Morris for Southeast Europe is Aleksandar Jakovljević, who replaced Jelena Pavlović in that position.

Jakovljević joined PM in 2015, where he has previously held the positions of financial director for the market of Southeast Europe, as well as the financial director for the markets of Ukraine, the Caucasus and Moldova. Before that, he was a financial and general director in international companies. Former general manager of Philip Morris for Southeastern Europe and current president of the American Chamber of Commerce Jelena Pavlović, was elected President of the Board of Directors. She has fifteen years of experience in various positions in the company, including the successful five-years’ mandate of the CEO. During her mandate, the Niš factory has consistently upgraded production setting new export records, and Serbia became the PMI headquarters for six regional markets and one of the first markets to launch IQOS – the new, revolutionary product of this company.

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