Alexander Picker, President of Kombanka opened Controller Conference

“Despite the innovations through the ages, the foundation of banking remained the same, but it is, above all, the confidence” said the CEO of Komercijalna Banka Dr. Alexander Picker, as the first speaker at the fifth congress of the controller Serbia, which was held at the Crowne Plaza in Belgrade before a record 500 participants.

The theme of this year’s congress was digitalisation in business and administration of this process in the global financial sector. Mre Picker explained that “digitisation is not a new product, but it performs the old job, in a different, innovative and efficient way.” The Controller Congress was attended exclusively by experts from practice, high-level managers of companies that are leaders in their fields of operations: Komercijalna Banka, Telekom Serbia, JTI, Microsoft, Delhaize Serbia, NIS, and many others. Controlling is a new way of business analysis, which helps a manager make the best marketing decisions. It originated from Germany and is considered one of the main reasons of the superiority of German companies.

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