An inguinal hernia is a weakness of the abdominal wall located in the groin area. It´s a frequent condition which affects 27% of all men and is less frequent in woman (3%). An inguinal hernia never disappears once present and can cause serious complications which may require emergency surgery. Hernia surgery is the only effective therapy in the treatment of groin hernias. With the classical approach the defect is repaired by open surgery either with or without implantation of a prosthetic mesh.
With the introduction of minimally invasive surgery the treatment of inguinal hernias by laparoscopy is becoming more and more popular. Less postoperative pain and quick recovery are the main advantages of this approach (TAPP). Nevertheless, it is technically demanding and should be carried out by a specialist in order to achieve excellent results. Prof. Emanuel Sporn is one of Austria’s leading experts in minimally invasive surgery who is carrying out this procedure with a high volume in his national and international patients in the renowned Vienna Private Hospital (Wiener Privatklinik). His high level of expertise, personal treatment, very low complication and recurrence rates are the main reasons why patients from all over the world are consulting Prof. Sporn in the Vienna Private Hospital.