Another year of responsible business – NIS presents the 11th Sustainable Development Report 

A responsible attitude towards the community in which we live and work obliges all of us, and the continuous raising of awareness of the importance of individual contribution is reflected in the world as a whole. While as individuals, through various activities, we strive to leave a better place to live for future generations, it is up to the relevant institutions and responsible companies to give their contribution in this area and help preserve our planet.

Recognizing the importance of all the challenges created by modern society, the United Nations has defined 17 sustainable development goals which implementation facilitates social and economic development following the principles of sustainability, and reporting in this area has become imperative for all socially responsible companies.

As a company in which sustainable development principles are deeply intertwined with all business activities, the NIS Company contributes to the realization of 12 of the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. At the same time, NIS is a pioneer in Serbia in terms of reporting on sustainable development, as evidenced by the fact that, this year, the company officially presented its 11th consecutive verified Sustainable Development Report. This document transparently presents all the activities that the company has implemented during 2020 regarding sustainable development – from efforts to continue business progress in a difficult year to investing in community development.

As the previous year, which was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, was peculiar in all respects, all of our company’s activities were carried out in accordance with the prescribed epidemiological measures, while NIS made additional efforts to preserve the health of its employees, associates and consumers. In addition, NIS has boosted its cooperation with health care institutions throughout our country, but also provided support to health workers who have tirelessly fought against the coronavirus, through various donations. In cooperation with UNICEF, NIS donated 56 oxygen flow metres to COVID hospitals, followed by 500 sets of surgical uniforms to the Clinical Centre of Serbia and the hospital in Batajnica. Also, the company donated 14 vehicles for medical and patronage services of various health institutions, which greatly contributed to the improvement of their working conditions in very challenging times. At the same time, NIS donated about 60,000 litres of Jazak water to healthcare workers and patients in hospitals across the country.

In addition to health care, in 2020, NIS spent 114.5 million dinars on the implementation of 72 projects aimed at improving the digitalization of the teaching process and security systems in schools in 12 local communities. In this way, the level of security was raised in 40 elementary and high schools in Serbia and over 45,000 students now use modern IT equipment thanks to NIS.


The year behind us has shown the importance of solidarity in the community. This especially refers to our oldest citizens who had limited movement during the state of emergency. In 2020, the NIS Volunteer Club helped them and other jeopardized population categories, by spending more than 2,000 hours on various humanitarian activities and thus contributing to the well-being of the community.


As a responsible company, in the coming period, NIS will continue to invest exceptional efforts in sustainable business, to preserve the community and secure a better life for all of us.

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