Apatin Brewery celebrates 15 years of DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE campaign

Don’t drink and drive but choose to call a friend or a taxi, wait for a city bus or take a walk

Apatin Brewery, with the support of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, the Traffic Safety Agency and the Traffic Police Directorate, marked the significant jubilee of the campaign, which for a decade and a half says that the decision is clear – DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE! In order to prevent irresponsible consumption, Apatin Brewery appealed to everyone not to sit behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol. They reminded all that there are 4 alternatives in those situations – to call a friend or a taxi, to wait for a city bus or take a walk.

This year, Apatin Brewery donated 600 fluorescent vests for Serbian traffic police. “During these 15 years, we managed to save numerous lives and positively influence the behavior of all traffic participants. We donated about 130.000E since the beginning of the campaign and helped the traffic police by providing 135 breathalyzers, 5,000 mouthpieces and 600 vests”, said Igor Vukašinović, Apatin Brewery GM.

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