Aqua Gala – water with a mineral of beauty

The main characteristic of Aqua Gala is the presence of silicon dioxide (Sillica) in the world known as Mineral Beauty. Silica is a mineral that slows down aging and rejuvenates the body. It is also known in the world as mineral beauty, as it participates in the formation of collagen and elastin proteins that give the skin elasticity, fullness and firmness. Silica also affects the luscious and healthy look of the hair, as well as the growth of nails. Unfortunately, the amount of this mineral in the body decreases with age: wrinkles are more pronounced, the skin becomes inelastic, and the hair drops and looks lifeless. It is therefore important to provide his additional input: he is the easiest and fastest way through the water. Silica is not a common ingredient of water, and its presence Aqua Gala separates water from others.

The ideal ratio of calcium and magnesium is another feature that distinguishes Aqua Gala from other bottled waters present on our market. This perfectly balanced composition of minerals (64 mg / l of calcium and 29 mg / l magnesium) is excellent for the proper development of bones in children, whose construction in childhood is very important and affects what bones will have in old age. It also helps adults, because they substitute calcium that is lost by age, smoking and other unhealthy habits. In addition, calcium contributes to reducing the sensitivity to allergies, while magnesium contributes to the right heart function and reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. These minerals have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and are necessary for all those who are prone to stressful situations.

Sodium is an essential element of health and functioning of the organism, but its excessive presence has a negative effect on the human organism and in water it should not be more than 150 mg / l, and it is recommended to be below 50 mg / l, which is a rarity and special is Aqua Gala water quality (18 mg / l).

Potassium is another mineral that is needed by the body, and whose excess adversely affects the human body, causing kidney stress, and the interruption of their work. Therefore, it is not necessary to use water with more than 12 mg / l of potassium in everyday use. Aqua Gala has a low content of this mineral, which is about 2 mg / l, which is extremely beneficial to the human body.

A larger amount of the present slice of dioxide of about 20mg / l makes water Aqua Gala extremely good for blood vessels.

Balance in the hydration process is one of the key factors responsible for the work of vital organs. It is always important to inject sufficient amounts of fluid, regardless of season. Additional mineral water intake is also required during physical activity. Proper care of our organism is of great importance for the beauty that nature has given us.

The daily use of Aqua Gala water accelerates internal body functions, stimulates the immune, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular system and further enhances the regeneration of skin and body.

Water quality Aqua Gala is regularly controlled in domestic and foreign laboratories such as: Laboratory Dr. Oliver Rodes in Barcelona, ​​Public Health Institute Valjevo, City Public Health Institute Belgrade and also accredited Laboratory Knjaz Miloš. Natural non-carbonated water Aqua Gala has the certificate of the prestigious international NSF certificate, which is awarded by the US certification house NSF and which guarantees top quality.

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