Assembly of the Slovenian Business Club

On March 7, 2018, the In Hotel held a regular session of the Assembly of the Slovenian Business Club, which was also an electoral one.

As President of the SPK Mr. Danijela Fišakov was re-elected unanimously, while the following people were elected as members of Steering Committee: mr. Branko Greganović President of the Executive Board NLB Bank, Dr. Dragan Marković President of the Executive Board Triglav Osiguranje, Miodrag Stojković Director of Eti B Serbia, Ninko Tešić, General Manager Impol Seval Sevojno, mr Zoran Lazukić, Director of Profil Group Beograd and Zoran Popović Translation Agency Zoran Popović. In her address, Mrs Fišakov pointed out that the new Steering Committee will continue its continuity and that the interests of the members will continue to be focused in the future. She also pointed out that the SPK this year celebrates 15 years of business in Serbia. This jubilee will be solemnly marked in May this year.

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