“At the Wheel” in the company of the best podcasts in the world

The story of a truck driver from Serbia will be presented at the leading international audio festival IFC in Reykjavík

Belgrade, May 16th, 2023 – The episode of a driver’s audio diary “An eight-year-long tour”, from the first season of the “At the Wheel” podcast, was included in the selection of the international audio festival IFC  which will be held from May 21st to May 24th, 2023 in Iceland.

The story of a truck driver from Serbia will be presented side by side with podcasts produced by the BBC, the New York Times and Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

“I signed up and participated in the podcast because of a negative experience I had as a truck driver,” says Zoran Ivanić, a truck driver from Bijeljina. “I wanted to warn fellow drivers how life can change completely in just a few moments, and got the opportunity to do so.”

According to Marija Kambić, editor-in-chief of the PlutonLogistics website (www.plutonlogistics.com), launching an innovative podcast that puts personal stories at the forefront was a good decision.

– We returned to the audio format, as the original podcast form. We decided to pass along the microphone to our readers, whose profession is so authentic that additional questions are redundant. Being a truck driver is not just a profession, but a life calling. The opportunity to participate in this prestigious festival shows the colorfulness and authenticity of that calling.

Out of more than a hundred audio recordings from 28 countries, a total of 25 were selected for screening. The Serbian-language podcast episode “An eight-year-long tour” was also included in that prestigious list.

The festival audience will listen to the audio diary of driver Zoran in the company of the world’s leading producers and authors – the award-winning Australian podcast Pillow Talk, the BBC podcast about the fight for human rights Breaking Mississippi, the New York Times podcast First Person, as well as the German radio podcast The CureHeilung aus dem Grab.

The 49th IFC AudioDocs Festival, with the support of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), is being held this year in Reykjavík from May 21st to May 24th, 2023. The festival brings together radio and audio producers and authors from Europe and the world.

“At the Wheel” podcast was created by Pluton Media d.o.o. It is available on Apple Podcasts, Google podcast, Spotify, Anchor.fm, YouTube, as well as on Podcast.rs.

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