Atlantic Grupa is the winner of the SAM awards for the best talent development program

Atlantic Grupa is the winner of the Serbian Association of Managers for Best Talent Talent Program in 2018, which is just another recognition that the company is committed to achieving high standards in human resource management.

At the ceremony, awarded SAM awards for 2018 in 12 categories, which was held on Wednesday evening, this recognition on behalf of the Atlantic Group was received by Dragomir Kostic, General Manager of Atlantic Brands, as one of the members of the SAM Association this year marks 12 years of work with 450 members who advocate for the improvement of the Serbian economy on the world stage.

“This recognition is very important for us, because this year we have completed ten years of continuity in the excellence of human resources management in Atlantic Group and today we compare with the best companies in the market. We promote those HR practices that emphasize competitiveness, and one of the programs is precisely the process of talent management and development, which has been proclaimed as the best and based on the recognition of strong parties and the field of employee development. By continuous improvement and improvement of skills we ensure further professional development and career development of our employees, but also the company itself – said Dragomir Kostic on that occasion.

The basis of the award-winning Adventure program of the Atlantic Group is the international connection of selected young professionals from all markets where Atlantic operates, and is designed as an inspiring, exciting and different development activity and as such reflects in practice the three central company values; passion, creativity and growth. The project provides the company with a healthy and powerful vertical of succession and the development of innovative project solutions. Program participants in the teams work on realistic strategic innovative projects by developing them under the mentor boom of experienced colleagues for 9 months, while the best-rated project proposals are being implemented as part of the Atlantic Group’s regular operations.

To have the people and business of Atlantic Grupa enjoying the reputation of a responsible and professional regional company, numerous professional HR awards are bestowed on this, among which the top three BeActive awards for the “Body and Mind program”, the European Commission; CEP Certificate Employer Partner for High Standards in Human Resources Management, for the first time awarded in Serbia; Elizabeta Mircevska, Director of HR for Serbia and Macedonia – Best HR Manager, Macedonian Association for Human Resources.

Atlantic Grupa in Serbia combines the business of Grand Prom, Soko Štark and Atlantic Brand. Famous brands such as Smoky, Grand Cafe, Cedevita, Bakina Secrets, Argeta, Donat … form the basis of the profitable business of

Atlantic Grupa as one of the leaders of the FMSG industry in the region, and the company’s success is over 5,500 colleagues in 10 markets, of which about 2,500 in Serbia.

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