Beauty is in the Act of Giving

Festive presents and musical performance for the students of 9. maj School for the children with special needs in Zrenjanin, as a part of the Biser Nutri Akademija program

Zrenjanin 16.12.2021. – Strategic commitment of Mlekoprodukt company to dedicate multitude of it’s activities to the practices of corporate responsibility, and especially to the care for the healthy nutrition of the future generations, is fully embodied within the CSR program Biser Nutri Akademija. Within this initiative, which runs for several years now, and has the ultimate goal of teaching the children, through play and arts, of the importance of the healthy and balanced nutrition, Mlekoprodukt company, on Wednesday, December 15th, presented the special needs children from the 9. maj School in Zrenjanin with musical mini-performance and New Years’s presents.

Bojana Momčilov, corporate communication and CSR manager of the Mlekoprodukt company, has stated that this company, as the subsidiary of the Savencia group, is, for a number of years, committed to the social responsibility as a part of the local municipality, as well on the wider, national level. She noted that Biser Nutri Akademija is one of the most important projects within this commitment, and stated that students from 9. may were thrilled with the musical performance.

„Today, along with our staff, our children, Leontina, and children from the Čarolija choir, we have prepared the gift sets, with educative toys for the skill and motor development of the special needs children from the 9. maj school,  along with winter accessories – hats and gloves, and, to my great joy, healthy festive cookies, decorated by children themselves with the aid of chef Borisav Lović. However, I find that the musical performance left the stronger impression with the children“.

Song and dance are always featured in programs within the Biser Nutri Akademija. Composer, conductor and singer of Čarolija choir, Leontina Vukomanović, cooperates with Mlekoprodukt and Buser Nutri Akamedija since 2019. Leontina stated that musical performance for the children from the 9. maj school was very touching and emotional, and that she is immensely glad that she had the opportunity to participate in this event. She noted that, in terms of giving, even the small contribution could mean a world to someone.

School principal, Snežana Vukić, stated that children from 9. maj will always remember this day, and she expressed her gratitute for the presents from the  Mlekoprodukt company.

„Children with special needs are always craving for attention, emotions, songs, and friendship. Today’s shared fun and happiness with Leontina and the children from Čarolia choir was really something special for them. The toys will further stimulate their development and skills, and, once again, I wish to express my sincere gratitute  to Mlekoprodukt. This company, through the Biser Nutri Akademija program, showed the true empathy for our students, and demonstrated the commitment to the social responsibility. Along with the gift boxes, our students were presented with the musical performance of your inclusive choir. Attention, joy, song and friendship, like the ones that were demonstrated today, are very important to our children“, Vukić said.

Biser Nutri Akademija program will be continued throughout 2022, with the goal to reach to even more children with the message about the importance of healthy and balanced nutrition, which is essential for their development.

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