Belodore is celebrating its second birthday!

Only two years since Belodore was established by DP Lux Group, it has already grown to be the largest regional niche perfumery chain with 10 exclusive stores in 6 countries, 3 online shops and new shops and markets openings planned for the upcoming year.

Mr. Miloš Milutinović, General Manager of the DP Lux Group

On this occasion, General Manager of the DP Lux Group, Mr. Miloš Milutinović, shared his thoughts with Diplomacy&ommerce.

“I have been dealing with crises for almost my entire professional life – in various forms. After twenty years of experience, I can state: crisis can be a real blessing to any person, because all crises bring progress. Creativity is born from challenges – crises develop inventiveness and great strategies. Those who perceive the crisis as an opportunity are aware that the crisis will lead to weaker organizations giving up their place on the market to stronger ones. The only true crisis is a crisis of inability, unwillingness and unpreparedness.  Organizations, in response to a crisis, often do nothing because they wait for the situation to clear up. They are waiting for the storm to pass, which is a cardinal mistake. Not making a decision is making a decision – not to do anything. Crises require determination and readiness. Be proactive. Don’t wait. Be brave.

It was a completely different crisis – (almost) unexpected. Spring 2020 – the whole world has stopped due to a global pandemic. The world can stop, but not business processes. All of us at @DPLux Group were aware of that. In addition, we knew that there were only three things to which we must dedicate time and focus all our attention:

  1. Cash flow
  2. A culture of mutual trust and care for human resources
  3. Building new routines and finding new opportunities

And so, it was. We saw that we had finally created an atmosphere to deal with things we “didn’t have time for” before – structure, connecting with our suppliers and customers, developing the retail chain…When everyone was cutting marketing budgets, strictly focusing on downsizing activities, we were focused on cash flow management, but not in a way of frantically cutting costs at all costs. On the contrary. The focus was on reducing the costs of complexity and creating new opportunities for marketing our products. Thus, Belodore came to be born. Today, Belodore is one of the largest niche perfumery chains in Europe. That was our response to the crisis – to bring the feeling of the world’s metropolises closer to our customers who suddenly could not travel. We formed a chain of prestigious perfumeries in several markets. The first results exceeded all expectations. Short-term successes are the best fuel for any change. We got a wind at our back and a confirmation that we should continue. That is how a wonderful story began…I am proud to have been part of the team that participated in its creation.”

About Belodore 

The best of the best for the best – it is the motto we have been following since the beginning of our existence. We celebrate art, creativity and a unique experience, which is why our clients do not buy a product, but art packaged in bottles of world-famous niche perfumes.

Belodore exist since January 2019. later expanded to other countries in order to expand its network of luxury and unique niche perfumes. From 2020, Belodore opened its doors in Serbia as well.

Belodore represents the opposite of the commercial perfumes, making a different concept from the production of designed perfumes and their wide availability, which is a characteristic of niche perfumes. In its spacious stores, Belodore invites its guests to an impressive journey into the world of enchanting scents and irresistible beauty.

Belodore team consists of trained experts, who are contributing to the additional atmosphere in our perfumeries with their knowledge and kindness. The connection of prestige and art represents the synonyim for Belodore in the most beautiful way. Brands from London, Milan, Paris, New York have been carefully selected and with their elegant design adorns the shelves of our perfumeries.

Make a strong impression and do not make compromise. Find a favorite scent that will create magic in contact with your skin. Our oasis of art and scents are waiting for you. Visit Belodore stores and discover specific scents that exude with luxury, beauty and pleasure.

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