Biogest opens its premises in Novi Sad

The Austrian company Biogest, after England, Scotland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechia, Italy and France, opened its Serbian branch in Telep in Novi Sad.

The company is in the field of renewable energy, and Serbia has started to harmonise its legislation related to renewable energy sources (RES), which is being exploited with the aim of producing electric, thermal, mechanical energy, which is a basic characteristic of harmlessness to the environment, with the standards of the European Union, through pre-accession Chapter 15. World and European experts, in co-operation with our people in these areas, have assessed that Serbia has an abundant Sun, Water, Wind, Geothermal and Biomass energy. One of the owners, Martin Schlerka, emphasised the future in this field, the Provincial Secretary for Energy, Builing and Transport Nenad Grbić emphasised the support of Vojvodina for such projects. The event was attended by many businessmen and politicians as well as public persons from Novi Sad and region.

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