TMS is the exclusive license holder for a highly advanced HR concept, which exists only in a few far more advanced markets.

In an interview for Diplomacy&Commerce magazine, Boško Gavović, CEO of TMS CEE d.o.o., talks about human resource management and international standards and certifications, as well as the most important novelties from TMS.
What role does HR play in standards and management systems today?
Today, we have the most comprehensive requirements for human resources even in the most basic management system standards like the ISO 9001. An organization itself determines and should ensure the proper competencies, awareness, and communication with and between the employees. That may sound easy to do but the most advanced HR tools, techniques and practices should be in place to ensure effective and efficient processes.
We now have the first international HR standard – the ISO 30414:2018/Human Resource Management — Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting. This standard covers most of the relevant HR areas, like compliance and ethics, costs, diversity, leadership, organizational culture, organizational health, safety and well-being, productivity, recruitment, mobility and turnover, skills and capabilities, succession planning and workforce availability.
Even the most successful organizations can have an issue with their good results’ robustness, sustainability, and durability. Great results, that took a year to accomplish, can be compromised very next year due to the high layoff rate, staff turnover, disloyalty, or any other HR issue, which are considered the most sensitive issues in any company.
In today’s competitive economy, employees are more movable than ever. The battle for talent is ongoing. During the pandemic, the HR world got only more complex, with the limitations regarding travel, physical contacts and meetings in place, sometimes mandatory remote work and many other issues.
How can TMS help organizations deal with HR issues in the best possible way?
TMS is the exclusive license holder for a highly advanced HR concept, which exists only in a few far more advanced markets. I am talking about the well-known Family Friendly Enterprise (FFE) certification model, which enables the organization to implement adequate measures for Work-Life Balance (WLB) of all employees.
In addition to 20 big organizations which already implemented this model, like A1, Telekom Srbija, Generali Osiguranje, Roaming, Tehnomanija, Mercator S, and Apatinska Pivara, to mention just a few, there is growing interest from smaller organizations (10-50 employees) too. This proves that the FFE is one of the best tools for retaining valuable employees and creating a great working atmosphere.
Also, TMS is one of only 6 certification bodies worldwide that have the GSEs (Global Sustainability Enterprise System) certification, which also covers corporate governance HR issues, GRI and the social responsibility of the organizations
There can be a lot of HR issues within the Corporate Security System (CS). People are sometimes a weaker link than the technology for the security of the organizations. TMS performs a whole range of CS services – from audits and GAP analysis to studies and training sessions and helps organizations to prevent losses caused by weak security. The University of Belgrade’s Faculty for Security, a renowned state security educational organization is our partner in providing these services. Of course, TMS provides other, more common CSR and HR certification platforms to its clients, making them more valuable and efficient on the market.
In today’s competitive economy, employees are more movable than ever. The battle for talent is ongoing
D&C has been reporting about TMS for quite some time now. Are there any novelties in the company that you would like to share with us?
TMS celebrated its 20th-anniversaryth anniversary last year and has forged a new strategic partnership with TÜV Nord Group, the organization which operates in over 100 countries. This partnership will ensure that our clients have access to an even broader portfolio of certification and inspection services. That is a good way to mark the jubilee year during the company also recorded the best business results ever.