Branko Greganović, CEO of NLB Banka Beograd: We Want to Contribute to Quality of Life in this Region

We deeply realize that only if we protect our employees, our clients and all our families, the Bank has a future in this market

We talked with Branko Greganović, CEO of NLB Banka Beograd, about the current crisis, its impact on businesses and the banks, as well as socially responsible projects, especially those implemented in times of crisis. “For us, this region is not just a spot on the map. This region is our home, and in our home, we want to have a significant role and contribute to the quality of life and future of the people who live here” Mr Greganović said.

Branko Greganović, CEO of NLB Banka Beograd

What are your forecasts in terms of both the Slovenian and Serbian economies, and for Serbia alone for the next year? Will the economy experience an even bigger crisis after the epidemic compared to the one in 2008?

It is difficult to make forecasts at this moment, especially having in mind that the situation with the pandemic is still uncertain. The fact that the Serbian economy relies more on industries related to products such as food and beverages, i.e. products that are essential under all circumstances, and less on the production of goods and services whose demand is affected by the epidemic. has resulted in a smaller decline than other economies, including the Slovenian. This crisis certainly affects different industries in very different ways, hence certain industries will therefore need more serious support to, at least partially, overcome the effects of the crisis and return to the market in full force after the end of the epidemic.

“I think we can be proud that we, as well as the entire banking system have responded effectively to all regulatory requirements during the crisis”

What do you think is the key to overcoming the crisis, and how did you organize the Bank’s operations in the light of Covid-19 and all the challenges it brings? Were there any negative impacts on the business operations?

In this period, protecting the health of our clients and employees is an absolute priority, but at the same time, we are aware of our infrastructural role and that is why we are doing our best to provide our clients with the most direct access possible to the necessary funds. We deeply realize that only if we protect our employees, our clients and all our families, the Bank has a future in this market. Hence, from the very beginning, we have been implementing all protection measures, including enabling remote work for all employees whose jobs allow it. At the same time, we have provided access to all products and services to our clients at every moment, primarily the funds in their accounts, including the period of the state of emergency.

I think we can be proud that we and the entire banking system have responded effectively to all regulatory requirements. That has often required doing a lot of work in a very short time. Despite the challenges, we have managed to protect our people, maintain the quality of services and achieve growth in all business segments.

NLB Banka has been implementing various CSR programmes and projects. How important is it to continue with such projects, especially in times of crisis, and thus support both businesses and the population?

 Socially responsibility has always been of great importance, but in the times of crisis like the current one, it becomes even more important, and that is what we, at NLB Banka Beograd, have stuck to this year. We have tried to support, above all, those who provide support to others in their fight against the epidemic – health care institutions, testing facilities, volunteers who made face coverages, but also to other people of goodwill. I would especially like to underline two projects aimed at supporting businesses in this challenging period. The #HelpFrame Project has been launched by the NLB Group in the entire region to help small businesses, in particular, and to encourage entrepreneurship and help them to reach as many customers as possible.

“I would especially like to underline two projects aimed at supporting businesses in this challenging period – the #HelpFrame project and our NLB Organic competition”

Within the #HelpFrame Project, a total of 280 businesses from the region won advertising space  with the media partners with whom the Group members cooperate, and in that way gained the opportunity to make their products and services more visible to people in these difficult times.  We also have our NLB Organic competition, in which 501 organic food producers in Serbia have participated since its launch in 2012. This year, despite the pressure from the epidemic, we received more projects than last year, and each of the best three projects was awarded with 500,000 dinars.

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