Brnabić and Nedimović Joining the Government – a strong reform message

Although the organisation has lost two important people, NALED is proud that the President and Vice-President of the Management Board Ana Brnabić and Branislav Nedimović joined the Serbian government and took the responsibility for the implementation of reforms to improve the business environment.

Radni susret ambasadora SAD Kylea Scotta i NALED-a (3)

– A call for Brnabić and Nedimović to accept ministerial posts for NALED is a confirmation that we are still gathering the best people, with strong reform potential. It is a confirmation that we offer good ideas and solutions to strengthen the competitiveness and growth of Serbian citizens’ standard which came through exposé of the Prime Minister, which comprises almost all of the reform proposals on which NALED insists  for years – says Executive Director of NALED, Violeta Jovanović.

Before being a Minister, Ana Brnabić was challenged to implement one of the most important tasks in reducing the bureaucratic burden on citizens and businesses – the development of e-government. The plan of the Government, highlighted in the speech of the PM, is to improve the electronic exchange of information between institutions in the coming year which will form the basis of new services and the abolition of the counter-style.

Great job scheduled for the Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government is the creation of a public register of procedures proposed by NALED, and to help businesses and citizens and to providethem with a clear guidance on how to quickly and easily complete their administrative tasks. However, the aforementioned two reforms would not be fully functional without trained staff at both national and local levels, and therefore we are pleased that one of the priorities in the PM’s expose is the formation of the Academy of Public Administration.

Branislav Nedimović is the one of the initiators of the drafting of the Law on Investment and the precise distribution of competences of both the and the central governments in attracting investments. This is all recognised as part of the planned reform of the new government. In his ministry, Nedimović will have the opportunity to realise one of the ideas raised in the context of NALED – the introduction of a voucher system for seasonal workers in agriculture.

NALED welcomes the readiness of the Government of Serbia highlighted in the PM’s speech to urgently start the implementation of the National Programme to combat the grey economy and to continue to work together within the framework of the Working Group to improve Serbia’s position in the Doing Business list of the World Bank so that our country quickly entered the Top-30 in this prestigious international ranking.

A positive trend was the intention of the new Cabinet to adopt a law on fees for use of public goods, reduce the administrative burden and para-fiscal charges for 15 percent in the next three years, to develop an information system called eInspektor, to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Finance and to promote public-private partnerships, as well as to improve monitoring and analysis of the effects of the legislation passed.

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