Brnabić opened a new cultural station “Svilara” in Novi Sad

By creating creative centers, we create better conditions for the work of artists and creators

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, visited Novi Sad today, where she ceremoniously opened the new cultural station “Svilara” and attended the presentation of the project of construction of the cultural district “Chinatown”, which is being implemented within the program Novi Sad 2021 – European capital of culture.

Together with the President of the Government, the opening and presentation were also attended by Prime Minister of the Province Igor Mirovic, Mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic and Nemanja Milenkovic, Director of the Novi Sad Foundation in 2021.

The newly opened cultural center “Svilara”, which is located at the site of the former silk painting factory, is a unique, self-sustaining creativity center in Novi Sad.

During the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister pointed out that “Svilara” is an excellent example of good cooperation between the private and the public sector.

“With intensive dialogue with the private sector, we created a space like Svilara, a concept that will be self-sustaining in the future and that will always be available to all citizens of Novi Sad, mostly young artists and students, for exchanging ideas with colleagues, developing creativity and presenting their creativity public. We want to encourage the opening of such centers in all cities in Serbia, because this is really the picture of Serbia that we want to send to the world. Creators and innovators are our biggest export potential, they are our development opportunity for the 21st century, “said Brnabić.

The future cultural district “Chinese” will be built in the area of ​​one of the oldest industrial zones in Novi Sad, which dates back to 1922. This object, which for years has no purpose, will be revitalized and transformed into a unique cultural and creative center in the upcoming period. The future creative district of “China” will consist of several facilities where ateliers, concert and exhibition spaces, accommodation for participants in residential programs, workshops for old crafts and others will be located. Considering that this area is located on the very bank of the Danube, near the famous Štrand beach, and not far from the unversities, it is expected that it will significantly contribute to the further tourist and cultural development of Novi Sad and this part of Serbia.

The Prime Minister stated that the creative district of “Chinese” and the cultural station “Svilara” are examples of the new platform of good practice of scrubbing abandoned industrial areas using creative industries. These and similar projects are in line with the goals of the Serbia Creates Platform, created by the Creative Industries Council, chaired by the Prime Minister.

“With digitization and education, creative industries are certainly one of my priorities. We create new values ​​and new opportunities for artists, entrepreneurs and innovators in Serbia. We provide the opportunity to develop creativity and innovation among young people and strategically help the development of creative industries in our country, “Brnabić said.

Creative industries employ more than 100 thousand people aged 25 to 45 and are one of the fastest growing branches of economy in our country. The Creative Industries Council, chaired by Prime Minister Brnabić, was established precisely with the aim of supporting the further development of this sector, given the needs, goals and opportunities for enhancing activities within the creative sector.

On the occasion of the opening ceremony, “Svilara” opened an exhibition “14/24 in Svilara”, a world-renowned young generation artist from our country, Gale Čaki. It has gathered 14 painters from all over the world, who will introduce themselves to our audience and exchange experience with our young artists and opportunities for mutual cooperation.

In addition to the exhibition “14/24 in Svilara”, in this area the audience will be able to see the installations of the Austrian artist Gerhard Fleck, who in various ways explores the silk, putting it contextually into the building of the former silk painting factory.

Conceptually, Svilara will have 4 different spaces for work – a social center and a coffee for local NGOs and educational activities, a concert hall for various music-scenic programs, a recording studio and a large working space for entrepreneurs, individuals and organizations.

The Foundation Novi Sad 2021, which implements the project of Cultural Centers until 2021, should launch 4 cultural stations: Eđeg, Svilara, Slana bara and Novo naselje. Some of the space will be revitalized, and some in the infrastructural sense will be built from the foundations.

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