Carlsberg Srbija publishes Local Sustainability Report

The “Together Towards ZERO” Strategy for a Better Tomorrow

Carlsberg Srbija published their 2020 Local Sustainability Report, where they comprised current results and goals in the field of company’s sustainable business operations.

“Caring for the community in which we operate has always been our priority, as shown by the results presented in the Local Sustainability Report. I can proudly point out that we have achieved a lot, but also that we will continue to act to achieve the ambitions of sustainability that we have set in the Together Towards ZERO Strategy”, stated Vladimir Vava, CEO for Carlsberg Srbija.

In order to contribute to global efforts to preserve the environment, Carlsberg Group adopted the “Together Towards ZERO” Sustainability Strategy in 2017, which includes four areas with clearly defined goals that have to be achieved by 2030 – ZERO carbon footprint, ZERO water waste, ZERO irresponsible drinking and ZERO accidents culture.

ZERO carbon footprint means a reduction in the carbon footprint in all Carlsberg companies worldwide in the entire value chain, from raw materials to consumers, but also a reduction in carbon emissions in the breweries themselves.

In an effort to achieve the set goals of the Group regarding the carbon footprint, over the past five years, in the period 2015-2020 period, Carlsberg reduced its carbon footprint in the value chain in Serbia by 12 per cent, while carbon emissions in production were reduced by 23% per hectolitre of produced beer. Only during 2020, we purified 3,985.6 tons of CO2 at the carbon purification plant in Čelarevo.

ZERO water waste is the next goal the company has been working hard for years. Since 2015, the efficiency of water usage at Carlsberg Serbia has been improved by 15%, and with the wastewater treatment plant, as much as 99 percent of the input materials are treated in order to preserve water flows.

With the aim to achieve ZERO irresponsible drinking, the company posted symbols for responsible drinking on the packaging of its products, and the biggest brands LAV and TUBORG drew attention to the importance of responsible drinking in 2020 and they used the beer cans to do it. In 2020, two beer products with 0% alcohol became part of the company’s wide portfolio, and a third one joined them this year.

To achieve the goal of ZERO accidents culture, Carlsberg Serbia organized a large number of training and courses for their employees and compared to 2019, the rate of accidents at work dropped by 36% last year. Over the previous year, 100% of employees who are drivers passed the safe driving trainings. Also, depending on the nature of their job, the company is organizing different trainings for employees to make their performance of work activities absolutely safe.

You can read the entire Carlsberg Serbia 2020 Sustainability Report on our company’s website

When it comes to global results of Carlsberg Group for 2020, they are reflected in the reduction of carbon footprint in the entire value chain by 7%, emissions from the Breweries was reduced by 12 percent in the period from 2015 to 2019, while the efficiency of water use was increased by as much as 7%. The Carlsberg Group has harmonized its ambitions and goals with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, and through cooperation with NGOs, suppliers and other companies, it strives to take a step further towards meeting its long-term goals on a daily basis.

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