EPS – leader regarding operating revenues and profit

Successful business operation of the largest power company Electric Power Industry of Serbia with the operating…

David Sweanor, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa: When we find risk, we seek to reduce it

When we are doing good preventive medicine, we have to focus on what science tells us…

European Energy Security

The production of indigenous gas in Cyprus EEZ, when materialized, will allow the construction of the…

Areas of Cooperation between Cyprus and Serbia

Cooperation should be in the field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources (RES), through the…

H.E. Demetrios Theophylactou, Ambassador of Cyprus to Serbia: Sustainable Economic Development

In the broader energy security scheme, the vision of Cyprus in the field of hydrocarbons is…

RES/Energy Efficiency

Cyprus is committed to increase the share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)\ and improve energy efficiency…

State of play

Cyprus is a small isolated energy system, with highly dependent on oil products for its energy…

Gas Exploration Activities in Cyprus’s EEZ

The discovery of the giant Zohr field in Egyptian EEZ, just a few kilometres away from…

Matej Zakonjšek, Director of the organisation, Transport Community – “Western Balkans Rail Summit”

The time has come to invest in rail and to develop a strong and competitive rail…

VISA: Serbia keeps moving toward a cashless economy

Open finance, open banking, and APIs are bringing new tech and financial players to the SEE…

Vassilis Skronias, Head of the Economic & Comm. Affairs Office, Embassy of Greece in Belgrade – There is enough room to improve our relations

One of our objectives is to complete the Piraeus-Thessaloniki-Skopje-Belgrade-Budapest railway to accelerate the trade and transport…

Tatjana Matić Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications: We Create a Positive Image of an Innovative State

Serbia is a modern, innovative and resilient country, ready to tackle crises. It is important to…

East Gate Mall to Open – A New Centre of Fashion and Entertainment

Skopje is becoming a very dynamic city with great potential for progress and prosperity, and this…

The fight for gender equality begins with each of us

The importance of gender equality at the global level is evidenced by the fact that the…