Prejudices, customs and habits stronger than the law

The institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality has marked its 10th anniversary. At…

CSR SERBIA 2020: Social responsibility in times of crisis – Jun 1, 2020, starting at 10 am

For the sixth consecutive year, Color Media Communications is organizing a conference dedicated to corporate social…

Prospects of the economy of Vojvodina in the post-COVID-19 period – conference

The Color Media Communications Company and Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina are organizing a conference dedicated to…

Healthcare in the Republic of Serbia after the pandemic- online conference

Organized by Color Media Communications and Flagship, an online conference titled “Healthcare in the Republic of…

Serbia’s PM Asked EXIT Festival Not To Cancel But Instead Take Place in August 2020

Although the Serbian globally acclaimed EXIT Festival has already announced that it will not be held…

Communication with consumers is always the key to success

On Thursday, May 21, 2020, USAID Competitive Economy Project organized the eighth online panel discussion as…

The day when revisionism was defeated

On the occasion of May 9, the Day of Victory over Fascism and Nazism, the Secretary-General…

Serbia’s economy, the day after

Organized by Color Media Communications and the Congress of Serbian-American Friendship (CSAF), and in cooperation with…


Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 12pm-1.30pm YouTube live stream: Organized by Color Media Communications and Serbian–American…

SAFC to launch the first Serbian-American Academy for Leaders: Dačić and Godfrey to talk about Serbian-American relations

The Serbian-American Friendship Congress (SAFC) will launch on Wednesday, April 15, the first Serbian-American Academy for…

The 48th FEST reception was held at the Canadian Embassy

At the Canadian residence, the organisers and guests of this year’s Fest gathered at a festive…

Bulgaria’s national holiday Martenitsa marked in Serbia

Bulgarian Ambassador to Serbia H. E. Radko Vlajkov and his wife Yoana organised a reception at…

MARȚIȘOR DAY: Concert held at the Romanian Embassy in Belgrade

Every year on March 1st, Romanians celebrate a day dedicated to Marțișor – a symbol of…

The story of Sakiet Sidi Youcef – the duty of remembrance

Embassies of the Republic of Tunisia and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in Serbia, together…