India and Serbia are cooperating closely and have shared views on many major global issues

Rasim Ljajić, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications: WE ARE CONTINUING TO REGULATE LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK

Today, agencies and citizens are buying and selling real estate in an environment where there are…

Zorana Mihajlović: This Year is a Turning Point for Infrastructure

It is particularly important to mention that investments in infrastructure, together with implemented reforms, have contributed…

RADOJE ŽUGIĆ, Governor of Central Bank of Montenegro (CBM): STRONG ECONOMIC GROWTH

In the last few years, we have been recording a strong growth of the Montenegrin economy

Dragoljub Ljubičić Mićko, Actor and comedian: I’m SHOWing the Absurdity of Serbian Politics

Politicians did not take my job from me. On the contrary, they give me enough material…


We are continuing with the implementation of fiscal consolidation measures while reducing the financial risks of…

Vladimir Vučković, member of the Fiscal Council of Serbia: Reforming Public Enterprises is a Challenge

When we sum up our experience with the last seven years, which is how long the…

The Ambassador of Palestine, H.E. Mohammed Nabhan: We’ve Been Through Similar Challenges

Palestine and Serbia are celebrating 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations 

KATARINA LARISA HAM, CEO of Quintessentially SEE: The Most Exclusive of All Luxury Concierge Companies

Quintessentially is the best and most awarded global 24/7 luxury lifestyle management company

Vlatko Djuriček, Country Head of CTP Serbia: A Very Significant Year For us

We adapt to individual requirements and deliver a product that is fully customized to clients throughout…

Investment Climate in Serbia

It is extremely important that Serbia continues its progress in the OECD categorization, which implies not…

Annino De Venezia, General Manager AUNDE: Italy the Nicest place in Europe

Proud of the result in Serbia based on the constant attention to quality  and industrial cost

Neda Lazendić, Country Manager Windvision: Good Progress in Overall

Serbia is moving well in this direction, and wind plays the most crucial role in moving…

Svetlana Pajević, Global Transaction Banking Department Manager Societe Generale Srbija: Innovations in Customer service

We were the first in the domestic market to offer this unique model of financing supply…