Editorial 21: Welcome to 1991!

Dear readers, They say the fashion is circular and the things usually become fashionable again some…


After riots in American South recently the hot debate was reinstated – de debate of Civil…

Georgia and Armenia: The Top of the Old World

Text and photos: Žikica Milošević There aren’t many older cultures and countries in Europe, and at…

Editorial: New kids, old blocs

Dear readers, It is like this world never learns anything. New “kids” entered old palaces, like…

Michel Saint -Lot Šef kancelarije UNICEF-a u Srbiji: Dečija prava nezaobilazni deo DOP-a u Srbiji

Više nego ikada, moramo da prepoznamo činjenicu da je razvoj održiv jedino ako ga nastavljaju buduće…

Prof.Jan Peeters Director of VBJK, Centre for Innovation in the Early Years, at Ghent University Belgium: More investments are needed in child initial training

Serbia significantly lags behind the EU countries when it comes to participation of children 4 to…

Igor Mihaljević, journalist, ZTZ Media (formerly of RT Vojvodina): Grow a spine and stay firm

Text: Žikica Milošević Igor Mihaljević, one of the “sharpest knives in the drawer” of Serbian journalism,…

H.E. Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia – We are friends and partners

Although not an EU member state, Norway fully supports Serbia’s EU integration process, and hopest to…

Mrs.Sharon Landes-Fischer Head of Tourist Services for the City of Tel Aviv -Magic is something you create yourself

Tel Aviv has been recognized as one the world’s smartest city, taking advantage of its flourishing…

Brave New World

Dear readers, There are few ultimate dystopian novels that everyone knows. These are “Brave New World”…

Editorial: Groundhog Day

Dear readers, During the era of Socialism I took a particular pleasure to confront with my…

Editorial: Audiatur et altera pars

A year ago we started a new magazine, with a clear aim to be the most…

Caribbean Cruise: Aruba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Bahamas Will the collapse of Chavez’s legacy sink the Dutch tropical paradise in the Caribbean?

Text: Robert Čoban “Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya, to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty…

Editorial: Welcome to the shattered world

Žikica Milošević, Editor-in-Chief Dear readers, Ewan McGregor, commenting on the second installment of the famous film…