Jelena Galić, Chairman of the Executive Board, AIK banka: We’ve organized our business activities in such a way that our clients may continue using all our services unobtrusively

In this sense, all our services are available to our clients through digital channels and the…

Stylianos Zakof, Chairman of the Managing Board, Hellenic Business Association: Our goal now is to protect the proper functioning of companies as best we can

At the time of the state of emergency in Serbia, the HBA has organized its operations…

Maja Stojanović, Executive Director, Olaf&McAteer: We are trying to find new opportunities for companies and brands

Communication with clients is more intense than ever, their needs are different, and the agency has…

Giorgio Marchegiani, Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce President and “DDOR Novi Sad” CEO: We are very active in supporting our members in facing the emergency

In Serbia we are not alone: Italian Embassy leads the “sistema Italia” with all Italian public…

Jovan Matić, Gift: We can’t wait to rock the audience with new songs and gigs!

Novi Sad-based Gift is a music band, led by its frontman, the charismatic Jovan Joca Matić,…

Teodora Skrobonja, MA in Political Science, Umeå, Sweden: Drastic moves at the democratic state level are not characteristic of the Swedish culture

I suspect that stricter measures will be implemented gradually if the virus spreads exponentially as in…

Sana Garić, musician: Cool head, strong spirit and optimism!

Sana Garić is one of the most significant musicians on the electronic and underground music scene…

Majo Mićović, President of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce: We must learn how to defend data against malicious attacks in times of pandemic

The SSCC events are now organized in the form of webinars, and the first in a…

Natalija Racković, General Manager, V+O COMMUNICATION: We assist clients to make decisions in a new situation as quickly as possible

We have developed several intelligent reports and certain other documents as the V+O Group, which can…

Daniel Berg, Strategic Advisor and Former EBRD Director in Serbia: My heart and my mind have remained strongly connected to Belgrade and my Serbian friends

I want to say how impressed I am with so many brave and proud workers around…

Ronald Seeliger, AHK President, CEO of Hemofarm: We are all affected, but I would say that SMEs are more vulnerable to this situation

Every day you are able to read the stories about organising of diplomatic and business activities…

Dragana Puzović, Director Of The Nova Sloga Company: Staff As Priority During State Of Emergency

It is extremely important that we follow the recommendations of physicians and those in charge in…

Vladimir Ilić, Director General of Tigar a.d.: It’s our duty and obligation to act responsibly and in solidarity

In addition to masks, I am proud that we can produce extra quantities of rubber boots…

Hugo van Veghel, President of the Belgian-Serbian Business Association (BSBA): Time for reflection on the power of nature and our own vulnerability

BSBA staff is working from home and all meetings and planned activities postponed, but stay in…