Siniša Kovačević: Gone Underground

Art is obliged to bear witness to its time, to leave traces of its feet or…

H.E. Hyoung-chan Choe: High Potential for Cooperation

Korea’s investment in Serbia is expanding not only in terms of its volume, but also in…

Marathon, Not Sprint

For us, the real benchmark of the accession process is not in the opening of chapters,…

Boris Varga: We Need(ed) a Comprehensive Solution for the Region

The economic and legal systems are paramount, we can be different culturally

Zoran Pašalić, Protector of citizens of the Republic of Serbia: I Was Severely Criticized

If I inquire why certain lawsuits take decades to settle, this is not an attack on…

H.E. Gordan Bakota: My Mandate Was Extremely Challenging and Intense

The process of resolving outstanding issues between Serbia and Croatia should continue, we should also carry…

Prof. dr Sanja Radojević Škodrić, Director of the National Health Insurance Fund: 2.4 Billion Dinars for the Treatment of Rare Diseases

Since 2012, the state budget allocations for the treatment of rare diseases have been growing year-on-year,…

The Economist World in 2020 Conference held: Lack of Workforce as One of the Challenges in 2020

The eighth ‘The Economist: The World in 2020’ conference was held at the National Assembly of…

Branko Čečen: Our Motivation is to Investigate and Prove

There is also something else; we do this because that’s who we are. The best we…

Rade Šerbedžija: I Was Taken Hostage by Those Who Wrote Better

I am tired of representing others in my soul so much

H.E. Tanju Bilgiç: Relations are Developing Every Segment

As a Balkan country, Turkey only wants peace, stability and prosperity for the region

Tanja Fajon: Country is Very Polarised

Some even claim that Serbia is a captured state and that of course is a reason…

Peter Altmaier: Impressions are Extremely Positive

The economic dynamism in the countries I visited is highly promising, and German companies are increasing…

Ante Aralica, CEO of Mol Serbia: In the Top 15 Companies in Serbia

An increasing number of consumers trust us, which can be easily seen from the sales and…