Celebrating Women and Heritage

The exhibition “Celebrating Women and Heritage”, held in the courtyard of the residence of the US Ambassador in Belgrade, took place on Wednesday, June 2nd.

IWC president, Sonia Shehryar, Violeta Jovanović, NALED, Tamara Vučić, First Lady of Serbia and wife of the US Ambassador to Serbia, Mrs. Anne Godfrey

Staged under the auspices of the wife of the US Ambassador to Serbia, Mrs. Anne Godfrey,  this was an exhibition of handicrafts by members of the Ethno Network, craft associations, cooperatives and small businesses from all over Serbia.
In the beautiful ambience of the residence, the exhibition featured techniques and motifs characteristic of various parts of Serbia – Vojvodina, as well as the country’s central, eastern and southern parts. The members of the Ethno Network demonstrated other techniques that they nurture in their associations and shops – embroidery, crocheting, necanje (a special embroidery technique) and knitting. Also, the exhibition visitors could learn how to do these traditional skills themselves.
Also, on the same day, The International Women’s Club of Belgrade held its June Coffee Morning event at the residence of the American ambassador. Members of the International Women’s Club and the First Lady of Serbia, Mrs. Tamara Vučić, visited the exhibition and enthusiastically tried their hand at weaving and felting wool.
The newly elected IWC president, Sonia Shehryar, wife of the Pakistani ambassador, also addressed the crowd and presented Madame Vučić with a gift of the IWC’s book titled Belgrade Through the Eyes of Foreigners. The book, published in 2020, is the IWC’s latest fund-raising effort. Proceeds from the sale of the book go to support Covid-19 relief projects throughout Serbia.

Mrs. Anne Godfrey, Violeta Jovanović, NALED, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and Tatjana Matić, Minister

The event was also attended by government ministers Zorana Mihajlović and Tatjana Matić who talked about the importance of providing support to women in rural areas.
Throughout the day, the exhibition at Užička Street was also visited by family members of the US Embassy staff, who enjoyed the exhibited handicrafts and demonstrations by 27 local associations, small businesses and schools.

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