Cervical cancer: what you need to know?

Regular gynecological examination can prevent cervical cancer completely – gynecologists Bel Medica at the recently held public hearing dedicated to health told us, in the new Bel Medica hospital in the center of Belgrade, in the Kneginje Zorke 7.


Prevention sounds incredibly simple: once a year visit the gynecologist and you prevent cervical cancer. Today there are also  effective vaccines against human papilloma virus which are available, and they are ecommended for girls and boys before engaging in sexual relations .

– One in five women in Serbia go to regular gynecological checkups – says Dr. Branka Lazić, a gynecologist at the Bel Medica. – And now, when you go to the forums, ask your mothers, sisters, neighbours, all the women you know: “When did you last worked Pap test?” – dr Lazić tells us.


When detected at an early stage, curability of the disease is high, by a simple surgical procedure. The disease develops relatively slowly, but every next stage is ore dangerous and brings less able to cure – explains prim. Dr. Dragan Antić, a gynecologist Bel Medica. That is why it is so important for women to be informed about the importance of regular examinations, said Dr. Antić.


HPV vaccine protects against viruses of type 16 and 18, which are responsible for 70% of the cervical cancer. It is believed that 75% of women between 18 and 22 years who are sexually active are exposed to HPV.

How reliable is the HPV vaccine?

Dr Vladimir Weiss, a gynecologist Bel Medica, said that the vaccine, which began to be used 10 years ago, was very successful, safe, with mild and rare side effects typical for other vaccines. In most EU countries the vaccine is applied in boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years, and is also available with us, although not covered by the compulsory health care and paid separately.

In addition to detailed advice on prevention and response to numerous questions from the audience completely made by women,  several personal stories of women who are dealing with the human papilloma virus and cervical cancercould be heard. We would recommend you to follow the next Medica Bel forums, which are  rare opportunities when you are able to about the health dilemmasyou can ask anything you want and to find important health information firsthand.

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