Changes in the Executive Board of the Sava non-life insurance

The Executive Board of “SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE” a.d.o. Belgrade, as amended on 18th July took over its duties in the year. Milorad Bosnić, former member of the Executive Board, was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of the Company.

For the last four years he has been a member of the Management Board of the Company, until October 2016 as Executive Director, and afterwards a member of the Executive Board of the Company. Aleksandar Ašanin was appointed as a member of the Executive Board of the Company. He started his business career in Sava Insurance in 2007 in the Sector for Liquidation of Damage. In the last two years he has been in charge of the Director of the Sector for Liquidation of Damage. Edita Rituper, former president of the Executive Board, will take on new tasks in Sava Re Group in the areas of health and assistance insurance and in finding new development opportunities for Sava Re Group members outside the European Union.

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