Chepurin gave British Ambassador of the World Cup cap!

Relations between the UK and Russia a few months ago probably fell to the lowest point since the end of the Cold War.

The cause, of course, was the “Salisburry affair” with the poisoning of former Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter and the subsequent mutual expulsion of a number of diplomats between the UK and its allies and Russia. The detente in of relations came in the spirit of the World Football Championship in Russia – it is obvious by the fact that the reception on the occasion of the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II at the residence of the British ambassador – was also attended by Russian Ambassador H. E. Alexander Chepurin. On that occasion, Chepurin gave his British counterpart H. E. Denis Keefe a cap with a World Cup logo. In recent months, Russian Ambassador has avoided the receptions hosted by embassies of Western countries, and this is his first such appearance this year.

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