CITY OF NOVI SAD announces Non-binding public call to collect letters of interest for management and improvement of business operations of the PE Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad

The City of Novi Sad invites all interested domestic or foreign legal entities (hereinafter referred to as: Potential partners) to submit non-binding written offers (hereinafter: Letters of interest) for the management and improvement of business operations of the PE Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad with investment in the building of the Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad (hereinafter: the Facility).

For the purpose of this call, under investment in the Facility, all works necessary for its more efficient utilization, better energy efficiency, more stable and better infrastructure of the Facility are included, which includes all construction and finishing works with setting up of installations, plants and equipment, as well as investment in an additional space that will form a separate or unified functional or technical unit.
All works from the previous paragraph can be done on the plot number 893, area 49,881 m², CM Novi Sad II, on the plot number 900/3, area 3,075 m², CM Novi Sad II and on the plot number 886/9, area 2,157 m², CM Novi Sad II, all at the address Sutjeska No. 2 in Novi Sad, on which the Facility is located, and the construction of new contents on the part of the neighboring parcel number 886/18, CM Novi Sad II, in the zone on the north side of the Facility, on the west side the existing passageway along the west facade of the Facility, on the east side of Sutjeska Street, and on the south side of Cara Lazara Boulevard.

Under the management and improvement of the business operations of the PE Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad, it is understood the management of this enterprise by professional management with experience in managing objects of similar size or purpose in the region or the world. Potential partners are expected to submit a Letter of interest expressing their interest in managing and improving of business operations of the PE Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad with investment in the Facility, i.e. for engaging and organizing of professional management, with the goal of revitalization and economic recovery of this enterprise, with the protection of the public interest.

By managing and improving of the business operations of the PE Sports and Business Center “Vojvodina” Novi Sad with investment in the Facility, the City of Novi Sad has an intention to shape itself as a center for sports, culture, entertainment, tourism, congress, exhibition or business activities in the region, or any other activity that does not conflict with sports content as the core activity of this enterprise.

Letters of interest must contain the following information:


  • General information about the Potential partner (business name, registered office, company registration number and Tax Identification Number);
  • Relevant references in the field of sports, cultural, entertainment, tourism, congress, exhibition, marketing, catering and/or business infrastructure and/or management of facilities of similar size or purpose for the Potential partner;
  • An indicative business plan for a period of at least 15 years, including a proposal for a partnership model in accordance with applicable legal regulations, the manner of engaging and organizing professional management;
  • The framework conceptual solution for the realization of the investment program (which should include the indicative amount of the planned investments, as well as the plan, method and dynamics, i.e. the deadline for the realization of the investment program) for investment in the Facility;
  • Planned structure and method of financing (e.g. financing from own funds, loans and/or subsidies, etc.);
  • Offered collateral in the event that the reconstruction and/or improvement of the business operations are not performed within the agreed time and/or in the manner envisaged.


Letters of interest and all supporting documentation must be signed by the authorized person of the Potential partner and submitted no later than December 20th , 2018, at 12 noon, to the clerk’s office of the City Administration for General Affairs, Trg slobode 1, Novi Sad.

Letters of interest shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the mandatory mention of the name and code of this call, with the note “Letter of interest for the City Administration for Sports and Youth – do not open“.

Opening and analysis of the received Letters of interest will be done by the commission.

Prior to sending the Letters of interest, all Potential partners will be given access to the relevant documentation after signing a statement on the protection of confidential data. The form of the statement on the protection of confidential data can be downloaded at . The statement signed by the authorized person is submitted by the Potential partner directly to the clerk’s office of the City Administration for General Affairs, Trg slobode 1, Novi Sad, in two copies, and simultaneously sending it by e-mail to: [email protected] , at the latest until December 10th , 2018, until 12 noon.

All Potential partners will be able to visit the Facility at their request. The requests can be sent by e-mail to [email protected] , with mandatory reference to the name and code of this call.

This call is in all cases non-binding and it is published only for the purpose of the market research, and in that sense it does not oblige the City of Novi Sad to initiate any procedure for selecting a partner. The City of Novi Sad reserves the right not to initiate the procedure for selecting a partner, and to modify and supplement the elements of this non-binding public call, and shall not bear any liability for any costs or damages that such modifications would cause to the Potential partner or to third parties.

All additional information and questions in Serbian and English related to this call can be obtained by e-mail to [email protected] , with mandatory reference to the name and code of this call.

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