City of Novi Sad Public Advertisement

Pursuant to the Novi Sad City Council Decision, No. 020-94/2020-3-II dated September 01.2020., and Pursuant to the Novi Sad City Council Decision, No. 020-94/2020-3-II dated November 03.2020.,City of Novi Sad Announces Public Advretisement on Alienation Procedure of real Estate publicly owned by the City of Novi Sad, in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvođanskih Brigada street, by public bidding.

SUBJECT OF ALIENATION:  Real estate publicly owned by the City of Novi Sad, namely a commercial building with an unspecified field of activity, building number 1, gross surface area 526 m2, usable surface area 6,463.80 m2, number of floors: basement, ground floor, and 13 floors, built on the cadaster lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II with separate building parts, and with the construction lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II, with the surface area of 850 m2, in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvođanskih Brigada Street 7.

The commercial building with an unspecified field of activity from the previous paragraph consists of 19 commercial premises, namely the following: commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/3 on the mezzanine, usable surface area 134.28 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/1, in the basement, usable surface area 280.52 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/2 on the ground floor, usable surface area 450.76 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity – TRANSFORMER STATION, number of separate part 2, on the ground floor, usable surface area 19.63 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part ¼, on the 1st floor, usable surface area 429.02 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/5, on the 1st floor, usable surface area 25.65 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/14 on the 10th floor, usable surface area 421.06  m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/15 on the 11th floor, usable surface area 421.37 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/16 on the 12th floor, usable surface area 421.72 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/17 on the 13th floor, usable surface area 419.21 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/18 on the 13th floor, usable surface area 7.13 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/6 on the 2nd floor, usable surface area 462.74 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/7 on the 3rd floor, usable surface area 447.30 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/8 on the 4th floor, usable surface area 421.41 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/9 on the 5th floor, usable surface area 420.41 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/10 on the 6th floor, usable surface area 420.83 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/11 on the 7th floor, usable surface area 420.66 m2; commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/12 on the 8th floor, usable surface area 419.59 m2, and commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity, number of separate part 1/13 on the 9th floor, usable surface area 420.51 m2.

Transformer Station in the commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity – TRANSFORMER STATION, number of separate part 2, usable surface area 19.63 m2, located at in the ground floor of the commercial building with an unspecified field of activity, building number 1, constructed on the cadaster lot 7952 C. M. Novi Sad II in Novi Sad, 7 Vojvođanskih Brigada Street, shall be relocated at the City of Novi Sad expense, within the period of six months, following the date of concluding the contract on selling the afore stated real estate.

LOCATION: Novi Sad, 7 Vojvođanskih Brigada Street


LOT INTENDED PURPOSE: According to the General Regulation Plan for the mixed purpose space between Europe Blvd, Cara Lazara Blvd, Stražilovska St, Žarka Zrenjanina St, Mihajla Pupina Blvd, Jevrejska St, and Futoška St, in Novi Sad (‘City of Novi sad Official Gazette’ No. 40/11, 30/12-corr, 45/15, 63/15, 9/16, 19/16, 34/17, 21/18, 22/19, 50/19 and 9/20) and the Detailed Regulation Plan of the Radnički University in Novi Sad (‘City of Novi sad Official Gazette’ No. 36/06) the afore stated real estate is located within this area in its entirety, i. e. within the general city center and line center zones.

LEVEL OF EQUIPMENT: The location is equipped with water supply network (existing connection to the street installations Ø 110) and sewer network (existing connection to the street installations Ø 400), as well as with power network and Transformer Station. Vojvođanskih Brigada Street.

Conditions for connection to the existing installations are to be obtained by the future owner from the authorized public and public utility companies.

The missing facilities and infrastructure of required capacity shall be constructed in accordance with the stipulations of the Decision on determining the contribution for construction land equipping and of the Construction land development program.


The subject real estate is alienated on the sold-as-seen-basis, whereby the buyer has no right to any subsequent warranty. The buyer shall cover any potential costs of relocating, securing, and protecting the installations or the facility infrastructure (both registered and unregistered within the Line cadaster excerpt), of removal of trees and other greenery, garbage, construction rubble and debris, as well as ground filling and levelling.

Starting purchase price of the subject real estate is 5.265.595,40 EUR.

The basic criterion for selecting the most favorable bidder is the highest amount of the offered bid, in EUR, during the public bidding process.

Final purchase price of the subject real estate shall be established following the completion of the public bidding process.

The payment of the purchasing price for the subject real estate shall be in dinar equivalent at the NBS middle official exchange rate on the day of payment.

Purchasing price payment deadline is 8 (eight) days from the purchasing contract conclusion day and its validation. The subject real estate is handed over to the buyer within 5 (five) working days following payment of the purchasing price, with the exception of the commercial premise with an unspecified field of activity – TRANSFORMER STATION, separate part 2, at the ground floor of the subject commercial building which is to be handed over to the buyer within 5 (five) days of relocation of the transformer station. Following the payment of the entire purchasing amount, the buyer acquires the right to be registered as property right holder of the subject real estate.

Purchasing contract validation expenses by the notary public, the cost of taxes on the transfer of absolute rights and other potential expenses that might be incurred during this legal procedure shall be borne by the buyer.

For more information click here


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