Clean energy and responsibility for resources

A responsible attitude towards natural resources is in the best interest of every individual who wants to live in a healthier future and leave the possibility of further progress to future generations.

In addition to individual campaigns and initiatives, large companies play a very important role in this process by adapting their business. They can also decisively influence the positive changes that we all need. Following the needs of the community in which they operate, businesses have the opportunity, but also the obligation, to improve and transform their business processes so that, in addition to economic benefits, they also contribute to improved environmental protection. The importance of this process is also evidenced by the fact that, according to UN data, almost 800 million people do not have access to electricity. Also, every fourth healthcare institution in developing countries is not connected to the electricity grid.


These data, as well as the need for production to take place in an environmentally friendly way, put modern energy companies in a complex situation – to supply consumers with the energy needed for further development while making their production “greener” and conserving natural resources in line with the needs of future generations.  


As one of the largest energy companies in Southeast Europe, NIS wants to make a full contribution to achieving these goals, and through its operations, the company contributes to accomplishing 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Affordable and Clean Energy. Thus, since 2013, NIS has been building small power plants in its oil and gas fields, which operations also contribute to environmental protection. Namely, the poor quality gas that was previously burned on the torch in these small power plants is now used to produce electricity and heat, which, in turn, produces new energy, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. NIS has, so far, invested around 20 million EUR in these power plants, and the company started producing electricity from gas in 2019 at the Jimbolia gas field in Romania.


Also, NIS is the first large company in Serbia to include the sale of compressed natural gas as a motor fuel in its retail network. This is an eco-friendly fuel that is obtained from compressing natural gas at very high pressure (220-250 bars). CNG can also be used as an energy source for industrial production processes. It is also called the fuel of the future since it is currently ahead of other fuels in the market in terms of economic and environmental benefits. What sets it apart, regarding environmental impact, is having methane as its main ingredient, since methane has the lowest carbon dioxide emission factor. Precisely because of this, the use of compressed gas directly affects the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, NIS has introduced a new consumer service – electric car chargers – at selected petrol stations on Serbian motorways.


According to NIS, the company will continue to create and implement projects that, in addition to economic contributions, also bring benefits to local communities, while leaving a healthier world for generations to come.

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