Closing the gap between the sexes has economic reasons

Closing the gap between the sexes has not only humanistic reasons, but also economic ones, so companies are increasingly focusing on strengthening gender equality. Since coming to the Serbian market, IKEA has focused on equality of salaries between colleagues and colleagues working in the same positions, equal representation of women in leadership positions and equal opportunities for career development. They recently introduced one-month paid leave for fathers, which contributes to the satisfaction of parents and children. Their goal is to raise the quality of business through gender equality.

The presence of a father in the first years of life is very important because of the emotional potential that we put into the child in the first three to five years, said psychotherapist Gordana Nikić at the tribune “Dads in the absence: what can employers do?” Organized by IKEA.

Research indicates the great importance of the father’s presence, even from the conception of the child. Marina Blagojević Hjuson from the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research sees the problem in Serbia in a misunderstanding of the ideology of equality “that does not endanger anyone, but frees us together”.

– Research confirms that despite all ideological changes, we actually have changes in the microniva, which lead to an increasing inclusion of fathers from generation to generation – says Blagojevic Huson. Its conclusion is that firms do not understand market profit from promoting and respecting gender equality, and it is very important that they actively engage in solving this problem.

– IKEA as a humanitarian company, believes that every individual deserves equal rights and opportunities. That’s why it appreciates the balance between private and business life – says Aleksandra Triantafyllidou, HR Director at IKEA Southeast Europe. The right to a one-month paid absence for Dad is a clear view that this company values ​​the time of colleagues and encourages employees to achieve gender equality both at work and at home.

Branko Birac, Center E8, presented the results of the research Men in Serbia Changes, Resistance and Challenges – Images Serbia, which showed that more than one third of men would leave their jobs and worry about children if their wives would make enough money and that almost 90% Men want more time to spend with their children.

– Paternity is a point of entry into the topic of gender equality, Birac added, emphasizing that education is a key factor when it comes to the attitude of greater involvement of fathers in the upbringing of children.

Robert Čoban, the father of two children and the owner of the Color Press Group, pointed out that such employer initiatives are excellent, especially since they do not represent an additional burden for the company, and that such benefits are good for the family, employees and the companies themselves. He said that the role of fathers is important no matter how many business obligations you have if you want to stare at your age as your children as high quality members of society.

Referring to the twist that IKEA has made over the past 50 years in the field of parenting, Blagojević Hussein has summed up that the voice of the Swedish company in Serbia has become necessary.

IKEA believes that paid leave for a father’s multiple gain for a more equitable company and for business. That’s why this Swedish furniture manufacturer and global employer wants to increase the understanding among employees of the importance of sharing the roles at home, and to help partners get back to work, believing that colleagues with a return will return even more motivated to work.

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