Conversation with previous D&C Awards winners – Direct Media United Solutions

Ahead of the D&C Awards 2023 which will be held in the National Museum of Serbia on April 3, we spoke with our previous winners. Direct Media United Solutions was the recipient of the Business & Education Award for their “Experience Tesla” project’. Check out what Marija Matić, Strategy&Clients Director of Direct Media United Solutions said about their experience and new plans.

How much did the award you received mean to you?

We look at awards as proof that we are moving in the right direction, and that our work and effort are recognized, and that’s why we always look forward to them in a truly special way. Acknowledgments from partners and associates, such as the one we are talking about, provide additional satisfaction and we perceive them as a great success in our business system.

What has your company been doing in that field since then?

Direct Media has been committed to socially responsible businesses for many years. Therefore, we do not do projects as last-minute business, we try to “live” in accordance with them. Thus, in the previous period, we supported various campaigns, but also created CSR campaign strategies, both for our own needs and for the needs of our clients.

One of the campaigns that I definitely want to mention and that we are particularly proud of is “Kad budeš bila spremna”, for which we won numerous awards, but much more importantly, we managed to draw attention to a very important social issue that we should not silent on. And indeed, this campaign has been talked about a lot and that is its most tremendous success.
We continued on the same path and with the same idea last year with the campaign “HIV is not a label”, which also attracted a lot of attention from the media and the public.
In addition, in our company, we all work together to contribute to environmental protection, and for years we have been collecting plastic caps and passing them on to the “Čep za hendikep” association, but we also recycle paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum.

What are your plans for the future?

We plan to continue as before. To recognize important social topics, to approach them without fear, and talk about what others may be silent about. We are glad to have collaborators and partners such as Diplomacy&Commerce and Color Press who have also been dedicatedly working in this field for years.

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