Creators of new trends at the Digital Day 2022 conference

„The end of the world as we know it“ is a symbolic inspiration for this year’s Digital Day 2022 conference, which will be held on June 9 in Belgrade’s Dorcol Platz

The phenomenon that distinctly characterises our era is the continuous radical changes that are moving the world towards the digital sphere. Changes in our social environment, the way we create and experience personal and professional experiences, changes in the global economy, entertainment industry or marketing are determined by new, digital phenomena and trends that are changing at an incredible rate, often very difficult to spot, define and exploit.

While we are facing global concerns about disrupted supply chains and rising inflation, we are locally considering anything from the consequences of abolishing third-party cookies and zero-click searches to concepts that have quickly entered our mainstream, such as cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Maybe we think that because of work or personal curiosity we “go down” to the alternative reality of Metaverse or Decentraland, as marketers we long for a successful viral, but as parents, we are afraid of various challenges that future generations will face.

All this will be discussed at one of the most important regional digital marketing venues, the 11th Digital Day conference.

The conference is highlighted by the appearance of digital experts who are not only observers of the incremental changes, but also creators of new trends. Among them, a special place is occupied by the “first six” of the conference:

Rodrigo Alier, CEO of Glovo for Partnerships and Brands, will give a presentation on “The end of the marketplaces as we know them: how marketplaces maturity, is taking them to a whole new dimension”. With the growth and development of the market, participants are looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage within a dynamic ecosystem. Glovo also plans to improve its market model from a three-component to a 4-sided marketplace model.

Arnas Klasauskas, co-founder and director of marketing at Kiss Agency, will talk about the end of the existing concept of buying media space, with a special focus on the strategies of big players such as Facebook and Google Ads, which increasingly insist on user-generated content.

Svyatoslav Biryulin, creator of the People Based Strategy concept, will reveal what 16 things we have in common with our “stupid neighbor” and why the best marketers know that the path to success leads through a fulfilled promise that a certain basic human need has to be met.

Jason Barnard, founder and CEO, Kalicube will explain to us why the algorithms of high-tech companies like young children are thirsty for knowledge. Learning all about us, these algorithms are designed to benefit users, customers and owners. But if they are children, we are adults who have to teach them what they can and cannot do. Barnard developed the concept of “Google as a child” and in his address, he will tell us how we must teach that child to be well and digitally educated.

Andre Alpar, investor and digital strategist, is a “serial entrepreneur” who, in addition to several companies, developed four marketing agencies and who, after 20+ years of experience as a digital marketer, became an investor. During his presentation, Andre will explain how the way we communicate via computers, phones and other devices is radically changing towards the #VoiceFirst world, what changes this will bring in the future and how it will affect product design and marketing.

The presentation of the results of the AdEX survey for 2021, which is an indispensable program part of the Digital Day conference every year, will be presented by Đorđe Bukinac, as a representative of the Working Group for AdEx reports.

In addition to great keynote lectures, this year’s Digital Day will mark as many as eight panels, thematically divided into agency, media, gaming, event, art, performance, influencer and a panel that will present a UNICEF study.

The panel entitled “End of consumption of media content as we know it” will talk about changes in the way of creating and consuming content, but also the modalities of business of media companies. Media and SEO experts will talk about how paid media can keep their audience, how to impose themselves in the sea of ​​free online content and where the ex-YU region is when it comes to the media subscription model: Nedim Sabic (SEO expert), Daniel Fazlic (Digital Editor in Chief, Bloomberg Adria) and Stevan Ristic (General Manager, Vreme), and the panel will be moderated by Jasmina Koprivica, Head of Digital, Euronews Serbia.

The event organization industry will be discussed at the “Show Must Go On” panel. Whether the event industry continued where it left off in 2020 before the pandemic, or whether we see some “new normalities” in it, whether live events will return in full glory and virtual events will take a back seat, we will find out first hand from selected panellists: Sanjin Ćorović (Production Pool), Nikola Vrdoljak (404 agency) and Ivan Petrović (Exit Foundation). The conversation will be led by Vladimir Kovač, founder and host, DigiTalk.

“Adland in Times of Change” is the intriguing title of a panel dedicated to everchanging trends in consumer behavior during the pandemic, with an emphasis on the digital domain. Changes in the way people do business, spend time with family, spend money on goods and services, have fun and make friends have also opened up new opportunities and challenges in the fields of marketing and advertising. Leaders in these branches will reveal to the public how much they are actually disturbed by the new circumstances and whether those circumstances bring more positive or negative for the business. Katarina Pribićević, Strategy & Growth Director, McCann Belgrade, will talk to experts from marketing and advertising agencies and try to map the space and new opportunities that should reshape the entire digital ecosystem. Panellists are: Boris Marcetic (Polet Group), Marko Pesic (Ovation BBDO) and Vladan Andjelkovic (New Media Ideas).

This year’s Digital Day 2022 is a place where professionals, and everyone interested in digital advertising, will be able to learn first hand about global trends in the field of digital existence, primarily through the exchange and transfer of experiences by global and regional leaders in the industry.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on the website at a price guaranteed until June 8.

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