‘Danas (Today) at local’ – most essential local news from ten cities in Serbia

Millions of people in Serbia are deprived of basic information important to them in everyday life because there is no one to inform them about local topics to offer citizens reliable information from the areas in which they live, we launched ‘Danas at the local,” the Belgrade daily said on Wednesday.

Unique pages for ten cities have been opened on the danas.rs portal: Novi Sad, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Uzice, Kragujevac, Nis, Vranje, Novi Pazar, Kikinda i Majdanpek, where all those interested can read the most important news about the functioning of these local communities.

We will expand the list of local websites in the coming period, and a weekly supplement from several cities in the print edition of ‘Danas’ is planned for January.

By expanding the ‘Danas’ correspondent network and opening local pages, we want to offer readers reliable information and an accurate picture of what is happening in their cities and municipalities.

„Instead of objective and impartial reporting, local information was reduced to strictly controlled news and propaganda journalism. Danas at the local’ will be focused only on citizens and their interests in the environment in which they live because we start from the assumption that only an informed citizen can be an active participant in the process of creating better living conditions in the local community,“ ‘Danas on the Local ‘- the most important local news from 10 cities in Serbia,“  editor of Danas local news Vukašin Obradović said.

The need for professional, independent local media was more significant today than ever. „At a time when most national media are under the control of the ruling regime, it is necessary to have media that represent the voice of the people and the expression of their needs. That is why we invite them to follow us not only on the website but also on Facebook, where we have opened a page for all ten cities. They can also contact us, suggest a topic, report a problem or point out something positive that is happening in their city.

That citizens have their partner at ‘Danas at Local’.

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