Daniel Shull, Dr.Max Serbia CEO – We see significant opportunities for growth

We truly hope that the government and health authorities recognize the unused potential contribution which pharmacy can make towards the health care system in the country

Dr.Max is the leading integrated pharmaceutical distributor in the Central Eastern Europe region. We are active in 8 different European countries.  Our business consists of 4 pillars. Pharmacy Retail, Pharmaceutical Wholesale, Pharmaceutical Sales & Marketing and Galenic Drug Production & Private Label”, said Daniel Shull, Dr.Max Serbia CEO. We spoke with him about their product portfolio, investments in Serbia and further plans of development

Daniel Shull, Dr.Max Serbia CEO

What is the core of your business, and what is your product portfolio?

The core of our business is our Pharmacy Retail. In this division, we manage around 2300 pharmacies across 6 countries. Our business model is based on improving the quality of pharmaceutical healthcare in each community in which we operate whilst ensuring great value for money for patients and customers. To ensure this quality, we invest massively in training for our pharmacy staff. We have a central training academy in Prague which develops state of the art programs, which are then rolled out across our various markets.

Our product portfolio is based upon offering a wide range of quality OTC medicine, health and personal care products and medical devices at attractive prices

Our product portfolio is based on our offer of a wide range of quality OTC medicine, health and personal care products and medical devices at attractive prices. The production of our own brand and of our galenic drugs range plays a key role in this quality offering. Regarding our own brand, Dr.Max now produces/holds the license on over 1000 SKUs, concentrated primarily in the nutritional categories, but with strong growth in OTC, medical devices and prescription drugs. We pride ourselves on producing top quality products and offering them at very attractive prices.

Could you please tell us more about your investment in Serbia?

We currently manage 163 pharmacies and 2 galenic labs in Serbia. We employ around 800 people in the Republic. The new 1300m² Galenic production facility which we have built in Belgrade is a perfect example of our investment in our communities and our commitment to quality. The production lab is truly state of the art and will allow us to locally produce 371 products in a variety of pharmaceutical forms including semi/solids, suspensions, powders and solutions for sale in pharmacies and use in hospitals and clinics. Additionally, the facility includes a fully equipped control laboratory with microbiology and sterility testing. The new lab will employ 19 highly specialized pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians.

What are the potentials of the health care system in Serbia? What can government authorities do to create better business conditions for this industry?

We truly hope that the government and health authorities recognize the unused potential contribution that pharmaceutical industry can make towards the health care system in the country. Just by allowing us to offer (free of charge, by the way) services that are commonly offered by pharmacies in other markets, we could provide much better support for the clinics and doctors in our communities. Pharmacy is a 1st line health care provider and experience in many markets has shown that people who would never go to a clinic on their own free will for a blood pressure or blood sugar test, willingly take such tests in their local pharmacy. Enabling pharmacies to provide such basic services allows for early detection of medical problems thus saving lives and saving costs for the health system. We are installing separate consultation areas in all of our larger pharmacies, where such tests and other services (vaccinations for example) could be conducted in privacy in the future, and now we just need governmental support to allow us to help improve health and save costs. Health Care is evolving quickly.

We are installing separate consultation areas in all of our larger pharmacies, where such tests and other services (vaccinations for example) could be conducted in privacy in the future

Digitalization will play a key role in any system by improving quality and saving costs. This is another area in which the system here could be made significantly more efficient whilst expanding access. For instance, we run a number of pharmacies in small towns and villages. In a best case scenario, these pharmacies break even and in some cases they are recording losses, and it is very difficult to find pharmacists to work in rural locations. We thus often need to pay a salary premium and provide transport, which simply cannot be financed by the low turnover and low margins achievable in rural pharmacies.

Rural citizens, many of whom are elderly or economically disadvantaged, need and deserve local services such as pharmacy. If the government is interested in ensuring that the private sector continues to provide these services, then laws and regulations concerning the utilization of modern technology will need to be liberalized.

For example, one solution which is being implemented in some of our other markets for rural locations is an online pharmacist. In such a scenario, a technician would be physically present in the pharmacy for non-prescription products, but should a patient come in with a prescription, we would make an online pharmacist available via Video call in the pharmacy to answer questions and instruct the patient concerning usage. This is just one example, and we have many ideas on how to provide cost effective access to quality health care.

I truly hope that the authorities will begin opening up to such solutions and not continue to block progress due to traditionalists fearing disruption of the current system.

What are your plans for the future?

Dr.Max will continue to grow in Serbia. Despite certain difficulties in conducting business in Serbia, Dr.Max recognizes the significant opportunities that exist here in Serbia. We thus plan to continue with our expansion in the market over the next several years.

Dr.Max in Serbia

Dr.Max is the leading pharmacy chain in Central Europe. We manage approximately 2300 pharmacies and 2 major wholesale operations in six countries. Additionally, we are a leading producer of OTC and nutritional products in the region, producing around 1000 products under our private label and exclusive ranges. In Serbia, we have 163 retail pharmacies and a galenic laboratory, where we employ around 800 people. Dr.Max is committed to improving the quality and accessibility to healthcare in all of the markets in which we operate. Our driving business philosophy is to combine top-quality healthcare services with fair prices in a modern and attractive environment. We invest significantly in the training of our employees and are proud to support the local communities in which we operate.

From the opening of the new 1300m² Galenic production facility in Belgrade (PHOTO)

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