Days of the dance

With a Serbian premiere of the film “Mr Gaga”, directed by Tomer Heymann produced by actress Natalie Portman, the Yugoslav Film Archives began the fourth “Days of the dancefestival.

Festival igre, Aja (3)

– “It has become a little tradition. Through various documentaries and feature films, we manage every year to win over a new audience who perhaps had never been so turned contemporary art in the field of artistic dance” – said the director of the Belgrade Dance Festival, Aja Jung.

Festival igre, Aja (4) Festival igre, Aja (5) Festival igre, Aja (6) Festival igre, Aja (8) Festival igre, Aja (9) Festival igre, Aja (10) Festival igre, Aja (11) Festival igre, Aja (12) Festival igre, Aja (13) Festival igre, Aja (14) Festival igre, Aja (15) Festival igre, Aja (16) Festival igre, Aja (17) Festival igre, Aja (18) Festival igre, Aja (19) Festival igre, Aja (20) Festival igre, Aja (21) Festival igre, Aja (22) Festival igre, Aja (23) Festival igre, Aja (24) Festival igre, Aja (25) Festival igre, Aja (27) Festival igre, Aja (28)

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