From March 7th to 25th, the application competition for candidates for Diplomacy & Commerce magazine awards is open. The expert jury will examine and evaluate all applications from March 25 to 31, and the prizes will be awarded at a ceremony in the National Museum of Serbia on April 3
- Award for the best socially responsible campaign (company)
- Awards for supporting cultural institutions and artists (company)
- Award for best humanitarian efforts (company)
- Award for green projects and sustainable development (company)
- Award for business innovation (company)
- Award for digital transformation (company)
- Award for improving business conditions and the economic environment (institution)
- Award for advancing bilateral cooperation (institution)
- Award for development of local self-government and communities (company)
- Award for contribution to the development of civil society (company)
- Award for best relations with media (institutions)
- Award for best relations with media (company)
- Award for best relations with media (embassy)
- Award for best social activism (individuals and organizations)
- Award for most professional media person (individuals)
Applications until March 25th on –
Info: [email protected]
Jury members:
- Marko Čadež, predsednik Privredne komore Srbije
- Boško Vučurević, predsednik Privredne komore Vojvodine
- Brankica Janković, poverenica za ravnopravnost
- Tijana Palkovljević, direktorka Galerije Matice srpske
- Nenad Milić, IAB
- Biljana Stepanović, “Nova ekonomija”
- Nada Filipović, Udruženje pivara Srbije
- Danijela Popović-Jurić, Red Communications
You can see how it was last year at the “Diplomacy & Commerce Awards 2022” here