D&C Awards: Apply by March 25

From March 7th to 25th, the application competition for candidates for Diplomacy & Commerce magazine awards is open. The expert jury will examine and evaluate all applications from March 25 to 31, and the prizes will be awarded at a ceremony in the National Museum of Serbia on April 3


  1. Award for the best socially responsible campaign (company)
  2. Awards for supporting cultural institutions and artists (company)
  3. Award for best humanitarian efforts (company)
  4. Award for green projects and sustainable development (company)
  5. Award for business innovation (company)
  6. Award for digital transformation (company)
  7. Award for improving business conditions and the economic environment (institution)
  8. Award for advancing bilateral cooperation (institution)
  9. Award for development of local self-government and communities (company)
  10. Award for contribution to the development of civil society (company)
  11. Award for best relations with media (institutions)
  12. Award for best relations with media (company)
  13. Award for best relations with media (embassy)
  14. Award for best social activism (individuals and organizations)
  15. Award for most professional media person (individuals)

Applications until March 25th on – www.diplomacyandcommerce.rs/dcawards2023

Info: [email protected]

Jury members:

  • Marko Čadež, predsednik Privredne komore Srbije
  • Boško Vučurević, predsednik Privredne komore Vojvodine
  • Brankica Janković, poverenica za ravnopravnost
  • Tijana Palkovljević, direktorka Galerije Matice srpske
  • Nenad Milić, IAB
  • Biljana Stepanović, “Nova ekonomija”
  • Nada Filipović, Udruženje pivara Srbije
  • Danijela Popović-Jurić, Red Communications


You can see how it was last year at the “Diplomacy & Commerce Awards 2022” here

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