DDOR osiguranje: Group Voluntary Health Insurance

Key Tool for Employee Retention

In the recent years, private health insurance has been constantly growing in Serbia. The main cause of this trend is the fact that citizens seek easier access to and higher levels of health service. Also, the prices of services have decreased and the purchasing power has increased, so these services have become more attractive to a larger number of users. What’s more, in the framework of growing competition among the employers and increased attention to talent management and benefits schemes, health insurance is very often used as a strong retention tool.

Unipol, the market leader in Italy for non-life insurance and particularly in health insurance has transferred its best practices to Serbia, adapting them to meet the requirements and expectations of the local market. This is implemented through DDOR osiguranje, the leading player in the Serbian insurance market for the last 70 years, now part of Unipol Group.

A thorough market research has been conducted recently in order to properly understand the market.

The results have shown that the largest number of insureds consider care about their health a priority in terms of insurance. One group of the interviewees that had a chance to use the services of voluntary health insurance claim that the received care was very good. The most significant components of this insurance class, apart from the evaluation of commitment and professional expertise of medical staff and doctors, are the simplicity and efficiency of making appointments and undergoing diagnostic and other examinations. Additionally, the largest number of interviewees has said that they pay special attention to prevention, mostly through different kinds of physical activity and adequate nutrition. Moreover, the participants in this research expressed their opinion that the annual medical examination, with properly selected types of examinations, is extremely important for them and that they received valuable information about their health at such examinations, i.e. they had a chance to react in a timely manner in order to maintain and improve their health.

Unipol, the market leader in Italy for non-life insurance and particularly in health insurance has transferred its best practices to Serbia”

The conclusions indicate that regardless of their material condition, citizens increasingly think and care about their own health, as well as of their family members’ health. Different lifestyles and work dynamics also influence how people receive services provided by health institutions, and the voluntary health insurance policy is recognized as one of the most important ones.

Aimed at the companies that take special care of their employees, group voluntary health policies provide suitable coverage at competitive conditions. Within the employees’ benefits, it is the one that stands out in care services for workers, and increases their retention. It can be extended to the family members, as well.

The offer of voluntary health insurance provides users with a coverage for both outpatient and inpatient treatment, such as the coverage for simpler and more complex laboratory analyses, diagnostics, as well as for hospitalisation with surgeries, coverage of therapy costs, in accordance with the arranged coverage package and terms and conditions of insurance. Furthermore, DDOR osiguranje can adapt the offer to the specifics of every company, type of business activity, and needs of a certain team, as it has been the case in Company’s previous activities.

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