DDOR Osiguranje: Protection against risks proved crucial during the pandemic

Responsible employers that know that different types of insurance are a form of additional care for their employees can arrange various “EPIDEMIK PROTEKT” group packages to additionally ensure the financial security of their employees

Having experienced life and work under specific circumstances caused by the pandemic, humankind has learned that catastrophic events can point to risks that had been considered only theoretical and that are taken for granted. The new situation has led to an increased fear for one’s own life, existence and job. In all areas of daily life, new norms of behaviour, work and protection against coronavirus infection have been established very quickly.

All of these changes have caused an increased demand by citizens and companies for insurance that would protect them from these risks. Thus, an increased interest in some existing products and services, such as life insurance and voluntary health insurance for citizens and employers who wish to insure their employees, can be noticed in the insurance industry. Relying on Unipol Group’s activities, this is the reason why DDOR osiguranje introduced a new type of insurance, at the very beginning of the pandemic – “EPIDEMIK PROTEKT”, which provides adequate coverage in case of a declared epidemic or pandemic along with life insurance policies, with an additional premium.

“EPIDEMIK PROTEKT” packages include the payment of up to 50€ per hospital day in case of necessary hospitalisation, or up to 100€ per hospital day in intensive care”

Additionally, for the first year, the packages include psychological counselling, organisation of transport to the hospital and back home, food or medicine delivery and even pet care, depending on the arranged premium level and a special type of assistance that provides support in the most difficult moments and includes 24/7 doctor consultations.

Responsible employers that know that different types of insurance are a form of additional care for their employees can arrange various “EPIDEMIK PROTEKT” group packages to additionally ensure the financial security of their employees. Policies can be arranged as supplementary accident and/or illness insurance along with group life insurance policies, or simply as group insurance policies with coverage for hospital days due to accident. It is important to note that this type of insurance is not limited only to the COVID-19 pandemic, but includes coverage in case of declaring any local or global epidemic/pandemic. DDOR osiguranje is prepared to further adjust the offer within this and other products and their combinations to the needs of every organisation.

“EPIDEMIK PROTEKT” packages guarantee a full amount of indemnity for days spent in hospital treatment, while the assistance provides full logistic support in obtaining verified information from doctors and organising one’s life during hospitalisation.

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