Digitalization in insurance for the protection of the agricultural production
Following the trends of both digital user habits and increased risks of damages in agriculture caused also by natural disasters, DDOR osiguranje, in cooperation with BIOSENSE institute developed a special mobile application DDOR TERRA. This platform will enable agricultural producers to report the claim immediately after the damage has happened and from their field. In this way, the digitalized process of claims payment will be faster, simpler and more efficient and the producers will be able to continue their work. Application is going to be free for all crops and fruits policyholders of DDOR osiguranje and can be downloaded on-line. This initiative shows the responsibility that DDOR has as a traditional leader in insurance of the members of agro-chain with the amount of RSD 5 bn. claims of crops and fruit paid in agro only during the last 10 years.
“DDOR TERRA represents another step in our substantial digitalization process aiming to provide increased quality of service to our clients. As a leading company, we truly believe in innovation as an enabler for faster, easier and more transparent service providing. Making a safer and more secure and sustainable environment is our mission and servicing claims is our raison d’être. We truly believe that insurance in agriculture enables sustainability for local SMEs since it smoothens the extreme effects of bad weather on small family companies. Thus the process of digitalization in agribusiness can and should have the same impact as the “industry 4.0” has in manufacturing with the large potential for cooperation between the State and the private market players. The aim of all the stakeholders is to improve efficiency and reinforce this industry with a strategic impact on business but also on the quality of life of citizens. DDOR TERRA is an example of extraordinary value created by business and leading institute for digitalization in agriculture – Biosense. I am very satisfied as together, we’ve reached our aim – better service providing for our clients” stated Giorgio Marchegiani, Chairman of the Executive Board of DDOR osiguranje

“In the past year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management paid 28,100 requests for insurance incentives, with the amount of 1,250,000,000 dinars. As in previous years, the money was paid through the Treasury Administration to special purpose accounts of farmers. In accordance with the Law on Incentives in Agriculture and Rural Development, the maximum area on which the insurance premium can be refunded is 40% or a maximum of 70% of the premium in the areas of Moravica, Zlatibor, Kolubara, Podunavlje and Šumadija administrative districts, reduced by the amount of taxes. As for the upcoming season and insurance in 2021, all the rules that were valid in the previous ones are valid this year as well. Incentives are for the insurance of field and vegetable crops, fruit crops, vines and hops, as well as incentives for animal insurance” stated Senad Mahmutović, State Secretary in Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.

“Data is the oil of the new age, which gives new energy for global development. Digitalization permeates all parts of society and the economy, and the potential for the application of information technology in agriculture is largely still untapped. The BioSense Institute, as one of the important research institutions in Europe and a regional leader in the process of digitalization of agriculture, strongly supports the participation of companies in this process through strategic partnerships with the Institute. DDOR, as one of the leading insurance companies in Serbia with a traditional presence in the field of agriculture, recognized the importance of this process and through the pioneering project of digitalization of insurance in agriculture DDOR TERRA, made a significant breakthrough in the digitalization of agricultural insurance” said Professor Vladimir Crnojević PhD, Managing director of the BioSense Institute and added: “Through the digital crop insurance platform DDOR TERRA, the insurance process has taken on a whole new dimension. Transparency, speed of communication, active participation of farmers in the process of claim processing and efficiency of the entire system change the concept of insurance and turn it towards the future. This project represents significant steps on the long road of the digital transformation of agriculture. The pioneering endeavor, jointly implemented by DDOR and BioSense, has great potential to accelerate the digitization process and set an example to other agricultural actors to embrace the challenges of the future more courageously.”
DDOR TERRA is a unique technological solution intended for all agricultural producers that helps all farmers to have an overview of active insurance policies for their crops and fruits on their smartphone, but also to quickly and easily report the claim to their field or orchard. It is developed with the BioSense Institute as a leader in the development of Agro-technological solutions, uses the most modern GIS (Geographic Information System) models for reporting damage. In this way, in addition to speed and accuracy, the need for direct contact is reduced and the process of claim assessment and liquidation is accelerated. This digital platform uses satellite images and filters for the selected field with crops or fruit, monitor their growth and progress to harvest. This allows a clearer risk assessment and in case of claim more precise quantification of loss.